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SL Core 2 - What were your hits and misses?


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Eric the Red and Leif the Lucky HIT

Maps and Globes

Michelangelo HIT

Good Queen Bess

Peter the Great

The Charge of the Light Brigade

Read Alouds


Castle Diary HUGE HIT

Tales of Robin Hood

The Door in the Wall HIT but not a second grade book

The Cricket in Times Square HIT as a read aloud


A Little Princess HUGE HIT but more for a girl


Haven't read the others.

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We haven't gotten to all of them yet, but I'll give my feedback on the ones we have!



Geography Songs - the boys moan and groan over some of the songs, but they ARE catchy and we have learned from it!


CHOW - hit, though I read it on the side of SOTW just for fun


Time Traveler - a bit of a flop. They don't hate it, but they just don't get into it when I read it to them.


Eric the Red and Leif the Lucky - somewhere in the middle.


Aesop for Children - HIT


A Child's Garden of Verses - they don't care either way about this


Red Sails to Capri - hit - we even spent some time looking up the blue grotto afterward


Ginger Pye - boring me, but the kids are still interested

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I am doing Core 2 with my 4th and 2nd grader this year. We're only into Week 7 so far, but here are our opinons on what we've read:


The Usborne Book of World History- keeps the boys interested due to the many pictures


Explorer's News- so-so


Geograpy Songs- we all LOVE it; bought it before we ever started the core and the entire family enjoys it


CHOW- boring; too religious for me


Timer Traveler- again the boys love it and stay interested because of the pictures


Maps and Globes- just started it, but they like it


Aesop for Children- love it


A Child's Garden of Verses- boring


Red Sails to Capri- took a little while to get into, but we all enjoyed it; we live in Naples, Italy and the boys are really looking forward to going to Capri now


Ginger Pye- I found it incredibly boring and offered to read something more action packed instead, but the boys stayed interested


Strawberry Girl- just started this yesterday, so don't know if it will be a hit or miss yet, but I'm having fun with the dialogue

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We are only in week 8. I've like everything so far, but I did have to buy a different version of "A Child's Garden of Verses". The one SL sells has no pictures. I went on Amazon and got the version recommended on AO. It was compiled by Cooper Edens.


Ginger Pye was long, but we really liked it. The kids begged me to read it all weekend long (when I wasn't interested in reading their school books to them).


Usborne Time Traveler--I didn't love reading this (the format doesn't make for a great read-aloud), but dc spent hours staring at the pictures while dd read the captions to ds.


CHOW--I actually like the tone of this better than SOTW. I don't know why. But I can see how people would get annoyed with the moralizing.

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I haven't done the core, but have read many of the books.



The Usborne Book of World History - kids have all liked this, I do not

Geograpy Songs - kids enjoyed it

Eric the Red and Leif the Lucky - prefer D'Aulaires

Maps and Globes - so-so

Michelangelo - if by Stanley, Hit

Good Queen Bess - Hit

Peter the Great - Hit

Aesop for Children - I don't know the version, but in genaral fables are a Hit

A Child's Garden of Verses - we have a beautiful hardcover color edition - Hit

Red Sails to Capri - so-so

Ginger Pye - dds enjoyed reading to themselves

The Minstrel in the Tower - dds enjoyed reading to themselves

Castle Diary - dds enjoyed reading to themselves

Tales of Robin Hood - Hit

The Door in the Wall - miss (dd read again in 6th grade and enjoyed more)

The Cricket in Times Square - dds enjoyed reading to themselves

The Apprentice - so-so

A Little Princess - Hit

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hits for both were Time Traveler (esp. for younger dd), Maps and Globes, Aesop, and Castle Diary. Older dd also loved Ginger Pye and White Stallions of Lipizza.She also says she liked Good Queen Bess and The Cricket in Times Square. She says she doesn't remember any of the others so "obviously they didn't stand out." I did skip School Story. Mostly because I didn't feel dd needed to read yet another book about children and school and partly because I felt it wasn't a really wonderful book that she really needed to read. I did skip most of the read-alouds for younger dd. She read some of the easier books but simply wouldn't pay attention to the read-alouds. I'll assign the "must-reads" as I feel she is ready for them.

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