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I really am a homeschooler, I promise. I need help with Homeschool tracker, please...

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I had to swap out my mini and re-downloaded homeschool tracker with no info.


I am still very new to it, although I managed to generate report cards.


I don't get "assignments". I spent 1/2 an hour on the assignment page, changing the student and lesson number and saving. The only thing that showed up is the last one entered.


How do I assign, grade and put in completed work for consecutive lessons and multiple students?


I can't get the PDF from the site to load.

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I use HST, but it was hard for me to learn, and I'm not sure I can help. You don't pick a student for assigments until you "Submit."


Under TEACHER/LESSON PLANS you choose or add a subject.


Then click ADD. Here you input assignments with directions, etc.


I highlight and SUBMIT lessons once a week. Highlight the lessons for the week, click SUBMIT, where you'll be given the option to choose the student to which the assignment applies.


Hope that helps.

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Ok, so you've entered your assignment information and then hit "Save". If you make changes and hit save again, you're just updating the same assignment.


If you would like to make several copies of a blank assignment - i.e. a daily language arts assignment - then you would save it, click 'Copy', then select 'Repeat over date range', fill out the days of the week you would like to use, and submit it. All of the assignments will be generic, but you can add the lesson/pages/whatever, and the grade earned as they're completed. (Or go into each lesson for the week and add the specifics, if you're going to print the student agenda.)


Or, you can put them into the Lesson Plan feature under the teacher tab -

Add each lesson (or add one and copy it down until you've reached the last one in your curriculum), then highlight all of them, right click and select 'Submit to assignment grid'. In that pop-up, you can select which student(s), the beginning date for the first assignment, the days of the week for that subject, whether to skip holidays you've defined in your school calendar, etc.


Does that make sense?


(The lesson plan feature is only available in the Plus version, so disregard that if you're using basic)

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I don't get "assignments". I spent 1/2 an hour on the assignment page, changing the student and lesson number and saving. The only thing that showed up is the last one entered.



That is so frustrating! Been there, done that (and I was a Comp Sci major :glare:) Basically what you were doing was changing and saving the same assignment over and over...


Try this (or this is how I do it when an assignment set is the same for all students): Add your first assignment, save and close. Then from the assignment grid left click while that assignment is highlighted and choose copy. It opens a window where you can choose all the other students for that assignment. You now have one assigment for all students.


Then you can either enter the rest of the assignments and copy the whole set using the method above, or if it is an assignment that increments (ex by page or chapter) highlight the set of assignments (one for each student) and copy the entire set indicating on the copy screen how you want to increment (by lesson, chapter etc).


Hope that helps, HST has a big learning curve but IMO once you get the hang of it, it is terrific. I have all my assignments for the year entered for all subjects. Once every two weeks I sit down and submit them to a date and then can easily print out task lists for everyone, enter grades for things that are graded, and keep track of where we are.


Feel free to PM me if you need assistance. I got help when I first started, once you hit that "aha moment" it gets so much easier.

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