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My lab work is back

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I posted several weeks ago about chest pain, palpitations, etc. My doctor ordered a ton of lab work and the results are in. He said my labs showed an underactive thyroid, iron deficiency, and vitamin D deficiency. All were borderline. He ordered more blood work and told me to hold off on iron supplementation until the second set of labs comes back. I follow up in one week.


Any questions I should be asking at my next appointment?

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I would ask them to fax a copy of the labs. You need to know your numbers. I'd start vitamin D3 (most prescriptions are not D3) now in high dose--say 9-10,000 IU of D3 per day even while you wait since you know you were deficient.


Did he mention when you start treatment for the thyroid?

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What iron tests did he run? For future reference, each and every time you test your iron, request BOTH hemoglobin AND ferritin to be measured. Your hemoglobin score can be "acceptable" while your ferritin is badly depleted--if that is the case you will feel lousy but your doctor will tell you your iron is fine. Ask me how I know. :glare:

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Did he test for Free T-4 and Free T-3 as well as TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone)? Teh Free T-4 and T-3 differ from the T-4 and T-3, because the Free form is actually what is available to your body to use and is usually lower than the other tests. Hope that makes sense.

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