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Hello! Just wondering how everyone else schedules Lial's algebra? We have the Beginning & Intermediate Algebra book (3rd Ed.) and DD finished an entire sub-chapter today. I don't think she'll get through that much every day but she flew through it. Just wondering how you all organise it? (:

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I use the regular (separate) Algebra texts--but the layout is the same:


The book was designed for BLOCK scheduling--one text lesson is 2 days of work (working the odds only). The early chapters will be shorter (easier) but the pace will pick up soon enough and 15-20 problems WILL take an hour to do!


Each lesson 1-2 days


Mid-Chapter Summary (if your text has these then work at least the odds if not all problems).


Chapter Review--work ALL problems PERIOD--NO exceptions Allow 1-3 days to complete depending on how many problems and the type...


Test 1 day

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Thanks for that Jann! I really appreciate it. (: DD only got half the questions done yesterday as she was ill but today she's finished yesterdays work and done all of todays - what chapter should she be starting to slow down, do you think? (:


Also, the chapter review - only the odd answers are in the back of the book - do you work out the answers yourself to grade?

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Thanks for that Jann! We've found there's just enough, pushing too many problems so that's definately not a problem but do you think it'd be okay to do just the odd problems for chapter reviews?


Do you have any idea when your DC started to slow down as well? :)

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  • 1 year later...

Jann,I am using 8th edition Introductory Algebra. (this is Alg 1, right, for HS transcript?)


what do we do with the problems in the margins? should he work them?


I am nervous about the major change of structure. We have used MUS since 1st grade a my son loves it and has done well. I hope this text works out, I dont want to lose time if it doesnt.


thanks for you help.

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You can sit with him while he checks his work if there is a trust issue-- but it is better to be able to look at the answer to a question you are unsure of as opposed to working 20 problems incorrectly!


Do not let him put only answers down-- he MUST show the steps used to get his answer-- a quick glance/spot check of his homework paper will let you know if he is being honest or not!


Homework is PRACTICE.


Many 'schools' require daily grades but the majority of high school math teachers give 'completion' grades on homework-- not straight percentage grades.


I insist that ALL problems are worked out correctly before we move on-- there is no reason for homeschoolers in particular to move on without mastery.

If a problem is missed it is simply reworked unless the error is easily found and corrected... if the student is 'stumped' they ask for help.


The majority High school and college math texts have the odd answers in the back for STUDENT USE. The ODD problems are the ones NORMALLY ASSIGNED-- the evens are for teaching/tutorial purposes. The only exception is with unique programs such as Saxon or TT where ALL of the problems are normally assigned.

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