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Thanks for the kitten naming help - more help needed...

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Well first I must say that we are serious wimp parents LOL. We went to get 2 kittens, now we have 4 LOL. Actually we are thilled but DH and I just keep laughing at our inability to resist any more than the kids. We had managed to name them all until we took them to the vet. Turns out we aren't so good at determining the gender of 6 week old kittens....


So now we have 3 boys and a 1 girl.


We had thought the girls was a boy and since she's clearly the biggest trouble maker she had been named Dante (as in Inferno). But now since she's a girl, she's Pandora. The other two with names are Merlin (this cat is like a magician at getting into tiny little hiding places) and Tigger.


The last kitten is a boy with long, spikey, bushy hair. He's fiesty and fun. We just can't decide. DD #2 and I want Calvin (as in 'and Hobbes'). DD #1 is adament that it not be that but has no ideas of her own LOL.


So - anyone have more ideas? These aren't as literary as I'd hoped, but they seem to fit their personalities.


This poor cat is going to be called 'poof' if we aren't careful. That's what DD #3 (4 years old) has been calling him since he basically looks like he just got a blow-dry.

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"Pan" or "Puck" - mischievous, you know.


Gotta admit that once or twice -- okay, three, maybe THREE times -- in the heat of the moment, that cat's name saved me from a whole lot of explaining. ("Oh, nooo, sweetie. You misunderstood. I said Puck!" ;))


How about...


Cousin It (grin)

Puff (as in Magic Dragon)






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Gotta admit that once or twice -- okay, three, maybe THREE times -- in the heat of the moment, that cat's name saved me from a whole lot of explaining. ("Oh, nooo, sweetie. You misunderstood. I said Puck!" ;))


How about...


Cousin It (grin)

Puff (as in Magic Dragon)








LOL - this is why Puck won't work. My 4 year old has some speech issues and 1/2 the time it would come out the other way LOL. I can't imagine what people would think if she started running around telling people about the cat named.... OOPS.



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