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Why can't Kathleen Sebelius ...

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... push sneezing into one's sleeve (vs. hand) as hard as all these vaxes?


Really. She did it once. If there's going to be a nanny state, can't it be a sensible one -- with initiatives that your great grandmother would've recognized as common sense?




This could prevent a lot of airborne spread of any virus. I am personally grossed out when I see someone sneeze into their hand, or moreso, someone who just whips their neck & torso around to sneeze on whatever /whomever is standing behind them. People sneeze into their hands all the time. Then then hand you the phone, a pen, a Coke.

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But they have been pushing sneeze hygiene for months. In fact in Canada, sneeze hygiene has been making its way into the forefront of flu prevention for a couple years already. Now it's just ramped up.


Anyway, in the US you now even have Elmo teaching everyone how to sneeze.




There's only one thing missing in the messages IMO - if you're sneezing and coughing lots, you should be AT HOME.


And don't just cover up with symptoms with meds & pretend you're well either. I'm so tired of people taking anti histamines, cough suppressants & a whopping dose of tylenol & getting out there as if nothing is the matter. They're still shedding viruses and bacteria wherever they go. Grrr.


Ok rant over. :)

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