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Those with high-schoolers in an outside school: How do you catch up after illness?

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To review:


My middle child (oldest son) started at a Catholic all-boys high school this fall. He is on the young side (turned 14 in Sept.) and he has to do about 2 hours of homework every night. He's learning study skills. He didn't really believe me when I tried to show him how to study for tests until he bombed/failed (by many points) 2 tests.


He is doing well in most classes now (except Biology...that was one of the bombed tests; Spanish was the other one but the Spanish teacher gave a make-up test that he did well on.)


Saturday night he started throwing up & has been soooo sick ever since. He has had a high fever (102.5 axillary) & phlegmy cough. He isn't throwing up like it is a stomach flu. It is just every once & a while. I think it is b/c the fever is so high and/or he is throwing up phlegm. (sorry if it is TMI)


OK -- he couldn't study/do homework most of the weekend. He isn't going to school today & he has his first History test and a Spanish quiz. Plus other homework. Plus his work from today.


He can't study when he is so sick so what is going to happen when he goes back?!?


I am staying calm in front of him but I am very concerned & worried.


What do we do?

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I'm going through this with my oldest. Because she has a slow processing speed and is already working at he highest ability level, she just can't ever catch up after missing class.


It probably will not work in your situation, but I've gone to her teacher and said, "She read all of the novel, but did not write any of the workbook answer, because she knew she couldn't do it all, and that she would learn more that way than reading half the book and doing half the workbook." Her teachers have just excused her from the other work, and let her have a fresh start.

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I know it sounds crazy, but I've kept mine home an extra day (yes, I know that makes another day of missing assignments), to give them time to make up all the work. It's amazing how much you can get done in one day at home versus going to school all day & trying to do extra work at night. I also think it helps to really get over the illness rather than jump right back into things.


I'd also suggest emailing teachers directly to explain the absences, find out assignments now, and see if they have any alternate assignments. It would probably be helpful to express your concerns to them and see if they are willing to be flexible.


Good luck! Hope it all works out okay for your guys.

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Give the teachers an e-mail now and ask what their makeup policies are..do explain how sick he is. He should not have to take quizzes and tests until he has the material and time to study. They will also extend the homework due dates. He must have the official note in to the office though the first day back though, so that they have it down as an excused absence.

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THanks for reminding me to call the attendance office:D


My daughter (a p.s. senior) has had spotty attendance the last few weeks because of sickness. I just called the attendance office and asked if they could request her homework. So they are putting in a request starting last Thur and going through this Wed so she can work on it at home. Maybe your school will do the same?

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