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SOTW better at 6 or 7?


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I'm sick and so have been pre-reading/evaluating history curriculum for next year (because of course I am done purchasing for this year, I think :D). If I am looking at doing the SOTW cycle would it be preferable to begin at 6 or 7? Has anyone found it to make a difference or not to wait?


Ds is one of those younger, wiggly, border-age kids (late summer birthday so technically is K age, but could be held back a year by choice) so he does some K material and some Pre-K. Next year we will likely do some 1st grade work (math), and some K (writing/language work). Is SOTW one of those curriculums that would be better with an extra year of maturity? Or is it so fun that it would be hard to wait?

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So he's five now, and you're thinking about starting next year, is that correct? I think that would be fine; six years old is first grade, in my book! :D


And five is way different than six, so I wouldn't worry about the wigglies now. Ancients are EXCELLENT for first grade, imo; great stories and myths that really hold their attention, lots of fun pictures to draw or color, just a really interesting intro to history. The mapwork is quite easy, and you can adjust any of the other stuff up or down as needed.

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I really wanted to begin SOTW last year while HS'ing DS who was 6 at the time. We do it together now~ he'll be 7 in December and is in 1st grade. He LOVES it, especially the CD which we listen to in the car (we read the chapters and do the projects, and the CD is used more as entertainment/reinforcement). Looking back, he definitely would not have had the attention span last year at this time. He was/is WAAAYYYYY wiggly!! :lol:

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We started SOTW1 when ds8 was in first grade and 6yo. He is very wiggly (ADHD and Aspie) but he loved, loved, loved it! Still does. :D He loved reading all about the ancient cultures and listening to the audio book version as well. We don't do lots of the crafty type things from the AG anymore but that year we did some just b/c it was too fun to mummify a chicken and create our own Nile River! Now we just read, read and read some more...oh and orally narrate lots, too!


I say go for it!

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I have almost finished SOTW 1 with my elder kids: ds is 6, dd is 4. Next year when ds is in grade 1, I'm planning to do it all over again, because they'll forget it in the two months break and will pick up on different bits the second time around. But I wouldn't see any problems with starting whenever you are ready, because my 4yo really enjoyed it too. At this stage I'm planning to try and keep them both on the same time period (although not sure what I'll do when dd aged 1 gets a bit older?)

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I really wanted to begin SOTW last year while HS'ing DS who was 6 at the time. We do it together now~ he'll be 7 in December and is in 1st grade. He LOVES it


My situation is similar. Ds 6, almost 7, wouldn't sit still to listen to SOTW last year, but is loving SOTW this year. I ended up changing our schedule so we could do history 4-5 days a week instead of the 3 I was planning. My older children were similar, not really interested in K but loving it in first.

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