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S/O lots of math/science thread-how do you do it if YOU're not good at it?


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I'm trying very hard to move dc9 and 6 along in math/sci. Long story short-I am remediating older dd in math right now; I'm not good at it and wrongfully let it slip through our fingers while we had lots of fun with history, etc. Plus I was using the wrong materials-she needed spiral! So now we're on the right track and working very hard to catch up and I'm trying to instill a love of it in her.


Ds6 is VERY mathy-loves it. We're doing Singapore and MEP and a little RightStart. I'm doing some Living Math with both dc.


We've mostly done a lot of living books for sci, or other literature approach such as Noeo. Dabbled some in RS4K too.


Basically I think I'm doing ok for elementary-it's what comes next that scares me. So if you're not a math/sci person, how do you make sure your dc are on track? Just do a lot of research into programs? How do you handle doing experiments and such if it's not your forte?

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There are a lot of kits for experiments with detailed instructions.


There are many online or interactive science programs and classes available as well if you are really worried about teaching it yourself, some even include the labs. There are many national names, such as


PLATO (middle school and high school)



but also some Chrisitan view classes as well http://www.homeschoolscienceacademy.com/


There are many, many more. There are also many really good texts that myself, and many on the high school boards are using. Many have TE's available that will guide you.


As for where your child should be, that is relative as a homeschooler, you might check your state website for the GLCE's for the grade level your child would be in PS. That should give you a good idea of what would be covered.

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I am not an expert on HS and I'm new to this forum I am having some success with my 11 year old granddaughter with math I don't understand. She is using Aleks, teaching company basic math and a tutor one hour a week. She has come a long way in a fairly short period of time.


We used plato or cyber ed for biology and she absolutely hated it. It probably taught her quite a few facts but I had to fight her to watch it.

She learned and enjoyed it a lot more when we sat down and used science books from the Smithsonian series and she would then do vocabulary and answer questions on what she learned. We do science experiments from books from the library. I just ordered her a new text for biology and we will work on that together. Just one opinion but I would not buy cyber ed again.

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I agree PLATO learning isn't for every child and is more geared toward science minded kids. It is just one example of what is available. It is highly recommended by many on the Davidson Institute forum. My DD9 uses the middle school sciences in addition to Glencoe books, she uses it to solidify what I am teaching in the text. Many states use it in their online academies and PS. FYI Cyber Ed doesn't exist anymore, the PLATO was sold. :)

Edited by melmichigan
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Thought of the day: it might not be so much that you're a bad teacher as that she's a difficult student.


I doubt you're doing nearly as badly as you think. You had some things to learn, but kids all have their own aptitudes. She'd probably have had the same issues with ANY teacher. Sure you had the curriculum issues, but you were still doing stuff diligently. So don't give yourself such a hard time. And yes, there are plenty of options for online, dvd, etc. math and science once you get beyond your comfort zone for teaching.

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