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Mommy, will it EVER snow here? Homesickness.

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Yes, the honeymoon is over and homesickness is creeping in. Not as bad for me or dh (yet) but for my boys. :(


Kyle (11yo) just this week told me how much he misses homeschooling. I think the novelty of "going to school" has rubbed off. He is a "walk to the beat of his own drum" kind of kid and does not like being shoved into a school-shaped mold every day. It was fun at first, like playing dress-up, but now he is over it. It's nothing desperate (yet) but I worry....


Alex (5yo) is the one who asked, "Mommy will it EVER snow here?" Snow? It never even gets below 80 degrees, which, to be honest, thrills me to no end. :D But as a little kid, snowmen, snow balls, snow angels are the true joys in life. The only thing that made his little dejected face smile was the offer to go down to the pool and go swimming (his other joy in life). It distracted him for now...


THe weekend of the 24th we have four days in a row off and I think we may drive to Kuala Lumpur and take in the sights. Rumor has it there is an awesome science center there and of course, the Petronas towers. I hope doing "fun things" will ease their homesickness. Skyping grandma seems to make things worse. :tongue_smilie:


Any tips on easing homesickness?

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Doing fun things does help balance things, but this transition is bout tough and necessary. Once the wave of homesickness passes, each of you can live there for ever. While you are going through it though...it's not fun. I hear you about skypeing...it's both wonderful because you can be part of each other's life and hard because it reminds you how far away everyone is. I'd keep it up, but plan for an activity (going to the grocery store counts) immediately after.


Keep enjoying all the neat things about where you live now. Savor!


We also went through a homesickness AFTER we returned to the States. In many ways that was worse because there was nothing 'new' outside our door. lol We've been back for several years and still miss our overseas time.

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Can you build a snowman at the beach from wet sand???


As you look at the things they are missing and mourning, keep reminding yourself of the bigger picture, and of all that they gain from this international adventure. I know that they will always cherish this time, even though there is some natural mourning/homesickness there as well.

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I lived halfway around the world near the Equator, so I completely understand. For me, it was Christmas that threw me deep into homesickness. I missed every.little.thing. about Christmas back home.


I don't know if there is really anything you can do about the homesickness. We tried getting out there and just doing what the locals did....then we tried re-creating what we would have at home. Nothing really felt right.


BUT....I promise you....one day when you are living back in the states, I guarantee you (and your children in this case) will actually miss the unique things about where you are now and appreciate them.


It's like the book Grandfather's Journey where he is homesick for Japan when he is in the States, and vice versa.

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It is hard! We relocated to Southern California from Maryland 3 months ago and while there are things that both of my children like about the new place, both also feel homesick at times, especially my 13 yo dd. The lack of snow is one of them, and although we can get to snow within an hour it is not snow right outside the front door, you Know? It definitely is a journey and one that will make you stronger but I am also positive when you come back to the US you will also experience reverse culture shock. I do when whenever I go back to Spain!

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You are all so right...We've been here three months and there are already things I love about this place so much that the thought of not having them when (if) we leave Malaysia bums me out. I tend to adapt well to change (most of the time) but it is hard watching your children go through it. :(


It's just a phase, right??????

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