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Reading Aloud

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My ds wants me to read to him a.lot. And sometimes it gets kind of tiring :blushing:. (I know that is horrible).


For instance, he is on a Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle binge. I *like* her just fine but he can read her himself. I have read them out loud already! He likes to hear them again (and again). If we have to stop mid chapter he will finish reading it but often ask me to continue with the next chapter.


I am wondering if this is normal? A stage? Or do I need to insist he read these books himself (those that he can read)? He does read a lot on his own.


ETA: I worry he is not challenging himself I think-he reads quite well but independent reading is often Boxcar children, Horrible Science, Encyclopedia Brown, Ask magazine, etc. He is 7.

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Not sure how old your ds is, but my 8yo is an excellent reader, but still loves to have stories read to him. I do too :)


Not sure if it's a passing thing or not.... If you don't want to read to him, then don't, I guess. I have days where I don't like to read aloud.


All the same, there's nothing as cozy as a loving voice telling you a story.

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I don't how old your son is. I still read aloud to my dh. :) And I continued to read aloud to my teenagers until they moved out. That doesn't mean they don't read on their own - they do. If your son is reading on his own, and you don't mind read aloud, continue to do so. There are some books that have so much poorly written dialogue that I detested reading them aloud - thinking of Boxcar Children and such. I just finished reading the Wizard of Oz aloud for the third time and have worked my way through the entire Little House series for the third time. My family loves read alouds.



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Thank you guys! I forgot to put how old he is but I fixed it. He is 7.


He just seems almost obsessed at time.....like he tries to wake me up early-way early- but I think you are right. Just a cozy way to spend time together.

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He just seems almost obsessed at time.....like he tries to wake me up early-way early- but I think you are right. Just a cozy way to spend time together.


Buy him a clock. My son gets up early but the rest of the family gets up at 7. He's not allowed to wake anyone else up until 7.

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There's a lot more to reading aloud than just the story. I remember begging my sister to read 'Ferdinand' to me. It wasn't the story, it was the way she read it and being able to cuddle with her (she watched my brother and I every afternoon and tucked us both in at night). It was the warmth and comfort, her voice and the rythms of the story... I think I'm going to go call her and thank her now :grouphug:

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