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New Elementary Worldview Course by Apologia (in conjunction with Summit)


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I was at a friend's house yesterday, and she showed me a copy of Who Is God?. This is the first of four books in an elementary Christian Worldview course. It was produced in conjunction with Summit Ministries, and is basically a homeschool version of Summit's Building on the Rock course.


I was skeptical when I first saw it (the original course takes up about 1 foot of space on my shelf, and this is a nice, thin volume), but spent a good amount of time going over it and it is fabulous.

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I was looking at this the other day on some site. I must have gotten an e-mail about it, don't really remember how I found it or even where it was. I wanted to look at samples, but couldn't find any. The description had me very interested, but with no samples and a $40 price tag for the one book, I just forgot it.


Do you know where she got it? Good prices anywhere? Samples online?




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I was looking at this the other day on some site. I must have gotten an e-mail about it, don't really remember how I found it or even where it was. I wanted to look at samples, but couldn't find any. The description had me very interested, but with no samples and a $40 price tag for the one book, I just forgot it.


Do you know where she got it? Good prices anywhere? Samples online?





I think she got it at the HSLDA conference, but they have strong ties to Summit (her dh worked for them until recently), so it might have been there.


To be honest, I was prepared to be underwhelmed by it. The one book we used by Apologia I wasn't a fan of (the astronomy book), but I was seriously impressed by this book. It's got the integrity of a Summit worldview course in an easy to use format. I'm thinking of buying it, even though I own Building on The Rock (I was a tester), and even though my church uses BOTR as it's elementary curriculum.


So far the only place I've seen it is at Apologia. I don't know of any samples online.

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I was at a friend's house yesterday, and she showed me a copy of Who Is God?. This is the first of four books in an elementary Christian Worldview course. It was produced in conjunction with Summit Ministries, and is basically a homeschool version of Summit's Building on the Rock course.


I was skeptical when I first saw it (the original course takes up about 1 foot of space on my shelf, and this is a nice, thin volume), but spent a good amount of time going over it and it is fabulous.


Thank you JudoMom!


I was perusing the Summit website the other day. This looks great and a bit more affordable! I'm going to add it my Cbd Wishlist now. :)

Edited by angela&4boys
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Here is a link to the preview on the Summit site. You do have to do a little digging if you are browsing for it. You have to go the curriculum page, elementary, and then homeschool. Be prepared to wait though if you have a slow connection. This preview is 54 pages. I looked at this before but I had already bought BOTR. I'll be interested to see the later books in the series though.





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This is an answer to a prayer. It is exactly what I've been looking for. Now...to find the money to buy it! Thanks for posting this!




You ladies are great, a two chapter sample and a $27 price at cbd!


When some of you try it out, I would love for you to post your opinions. It will be a while before I can afford to order it anyway, so I would love input on it.


Thanks for reminding me about this.



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Here is a link to the preview on the Summit site. You do have to do a little digging if you are browsing for it. You have to go the curriculum page, elementary, and then homeschool. Be prepared to wait though if you have a slow connection. This preview is 54 pages. I looked at this before but I had already bought BOTR. I'll be interested to see the later books in the series though.







The chapters are in the link Josephine provided.




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Thank you so much for this link!!!!


I bought Summit's Lightbearer's this year and, while it looks wonderful, it's not something dd12 is quite ready for yet. I've been looking for a worldview resource geared toward younger dc, and this looks perfect.






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Thank you so much for posting this. I had looked and looked at the original BOTR but was having a really difficult time justifying the expense and the time commitment. This is so much better and more doable. From the preview, and the age range, it looks like you could probably even go through it twice in order to milk everything out of it. I also like that it separates out the Bible survey portion which was a detraction from possibly using BOTR.

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