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Here's something someone on this forum (I wish I remembered who so I could give credit) said, that when I read, was a kick in the pants for me:

"We don't *do* overwhelmed. We accept that it is hard, laugh about it, and get to work."


Reading that was a minor epiphany moment for me. I realized that to be able to do that you can't have unrealistic expectations. You can have high ones that take long, hard work, but even then we can't do everything and do it well. That's what it spoke to me.

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Now just one more question: can you add posters to your contact list so you can keep track?


Yes! That is what I was talking about above (along with filing - loved it when I discovered filing a few months ago). Nothing happens - the poster is just added to your contacts list. You can request "friend" and then they will know, but contact is enough for me - as long as I can keep track of people whose posts I've admired. I can look through my contacts list, and pm when I suddenly remember, "Oh yeah! I remember when so-n-so talked about such-n-such! I'll pm her about my latest question/worry!"

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>>>>I agree. I think, as someone said in one of the other linked threads, it is a disservice that the myth of, "you can do so much better than ps in less time," is perpetuated so often. Teaching all subjects well for three grade levels all by myself takes TIME. It is a full-time job with overtime, easily.>>>>



Oh Boy!!!! I always felt like such a total FAILURE around other homeschoolers because of course we should be finished by noon, so my children could go out and play....because of course the public school wastes so much time lining up and handing out worksheets and all.....and you can multi-level teach...blah...blah...blah...


And here it was 6pm and I am still in my pj's with books all over my toddler attacked house...dinner is cooked but none of us can figure out what the heck it is...and I am still having to teach Algebra and literature to my teenager after the babies are in bed...8pm classes are a norm around here....




3 college students so far...not ONE GRADE BELOW a B+...DD graduated Summa Cum Laude and is working in an extremely competitive field...and succeeding beyond anyones dreams..


DD2 3rd year...3.98 GPA


Ds 1rst year..so far...all A's...


SO...for me the kick in the pants is to keep on keeping on.


My oldest did not have the benefit of the WTM...just a mom who LOVES literature and history and supplied her with mad amounts of books and art supplies. She never even touched a computer until college and someone had to show her how to turn it on....She is now designing web pages and doing awesome graphics....LOL


To all of you (and me...who still hass 11 years to go...) DON"T give up the ship....Homeschooling is an endurance contest...the longest of marathons....


Be good to yourself...do nice things for you...it carries over into your day...


When you are burnt out (and we all get there) remember the marathon status (OR one of theose awesome long car races)....time for the pit crew to come in and change the oil and tires.... Do something different (where i am at this year.)


Homeschooling is HARD...it takes TIME and it is so easy to constantly second guess what you are doing. If it is easy...and you are done by noon...ummmmm...then maye you should worry....



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Great post mommyfaithe!


I am loving all the new classical threads in the past two days. It feels like a classical homeschooling board again. :-D


To Colleen in NS who posted all the links to old classical threads in this thread ..... THANK YOU! Those are AWESOME! So encouraging and inspiring!!!


And, I also loved this quote:


"We don't *do* overwhelmed. We accept that it is hard, laugh about it, and get to work."




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I am looking at you like this: :toetap05:

I am telling you that you'd better do your work or your kids will grow up like this: :biggrinjester:

I expect you to react like this: :gnorsi:

And if you don't, I will do this to you: :smash:

And you will spend the rest of your life regretting your naughtiness and doing penance like this: :banghead:





I could use this at times as well.

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Here's something someone on this forum (I wish I remembered who so I could give credit) said, that when I read, was a kick in the pants for me:

"We don't *do* overwhelmed. We accept that it is hard, laugh about it, and get to work."


Reading that was a minor epiphany moment for me. I realized that to be able to do that you can't have unrealistic expectations. You can have high ones that take long, hard work, but even then we can't do everything and do it well. That's what it spoke to me.


This is a great quote with even greater words of wisdom. I am working on the fact that just because I want to do everything doesn't mean I can or even should do it all.

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Yes! That is what I was talking about above (along with filing - loved it when I discovered filing a few months ago). Nothing happens - the poster is just added to your contacts list. You can request "friend" and then they will know, but contact is enough for me - as long as I can keep track of people whose posts I've admired. I can look through my contacts list, and pm when I suddenly remember, "Oh yeah! I remember when so-n-so talked about such-n-such! I'll pm her about my latest question/worry!"


Thanks once again! It's a good thing my kids learn more quickly than I do or I'd have a kid with 5 o'clock shadow learning phonics. :tongue_smilie:

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:iagree: I'm so with you there! I remember the conversations....I could imagine our children running with streamers in fields of blooming wild flowers because we had so much free time....screeeeeeeeeech.....{hear the record scratching into the real world}. I spend a considerable amount of time preparing, grading, teaching, following up. I love it and wouldn't change a thing, I just wish I would have known a little earlier on. It would have prepared me better and I wouldn't have struggled with the "Why is this taking so long? What am I doing wrong?" The truth is, we're doing a lot right and it takes forever, but in the end, we'll meet our goals head on and be ready for anything the future brings...anything :)


:thumbup:Tina, you've just summed up my recent thoughts and struggles (in the bolded bits). I keep feeling like I need more hours in a day or more days in a week or something. Now I know it's not just me I can work on letting go of those fluffy ideas of never-ending rounds of playdates and field trips - they just ain't gonna happen:tongue_smilie:.

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And here it was 6pm and I am still in my pj's with books all over my toddler attacked house...dinner is cooked but none of us can figure out what the heck it is...and I am still having to teach Algebra and literature to my teenager after the babies are in bed...8pm classes are a norm around here....




3 college students so far...not ONE GRADE BELOW a B+...DD graduated Summa Cum Laude and is working in an extremely competitive field...and succeeding beyond anyones dreams..


DD2 3rd year...3.98 GPA


Ds 1rst year..so far...all A's...


SO...for me the kick in the pants is to keep on keeping on.


My oldest did not have the benefit of the WTM...just a mom who LOVES literature and history and supplied her with mad amounts of books and art supplies. She never even touched a computer until college and someone had to show her how to turn it on....She is now designing web pages and doing awesome graphics....LOL


To all of you (and me...who still hass 11 years to go...) DON"T give up the ship....


:lol::lol::lol: at your house/dinner/8 p.m. class description, and


:hurray::hurray: to your accomplishments!!


I am loving all the new classical threads in the past two days. It feels like a classical homeschooling board again. :-D



Me too! I might go searching for some more threads, too, to keep in my files and periodically re-read. And to add more contacts to my list. :D

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>>>>I agree. I think, as someone said in one of the other linked threads, it is a disservice that the myth of, "you can do so much better than ps in less time," is perpetuated so often. Teaching all subjects well for three grade levels all by myself takes TIME. It is a full-time job with overtime, easily.>>>>



Oh Boy!!!! I always felt like such a total FAILURE around other homeschoolers because of course we should be finished by noon, so my children could go out and play....because of course the public school wastes so much time lining up and handing out worksheets and all.....and you can multi-level teach...blah...blah...blah...


You know, I've been thinking about this time-to-complete-school issue today. I don't have older kids yet, but I was thinking about my plans for the kids (ala WTM) when they get older.


I've decided that if I was just teaching what the public schools were teaching, I could be done earlier than they are every day. But I'm not. I choose to teach more subjects than are taught in ps. And I choose to cover more material in those subjects than a ps would in a year. And I'm gonna have my kids reading through library books for an hour a day. And that is why, despite one-on-one time, it will take just as long every day to do school. And maybe when they're older it might take us even longer than a standard school day to get through all of our material.


I don't really know if that helps anyone or not. But, the realization helped me...

Edited by CookieMonster
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