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Old earth science

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It seems to me that most of the homeschool high-school level sciences are from a young earth perspective. What are those families using who teach an old-earth perspective?


I've searched "old earth" and "science" on this forum and hit four million hits, so I decided just to ask. Thanks -



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Right now we are watching the Teaching Co.'s How the Earth Works. My son is also reading a secular middle school text. I figure between the college level TC course and the middle school level textbook, he'll come out even on a high school credit. I'm not making this a lab science (he'll do that for Bio and Chem) but we do plan to do some project and fieldtrips.

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Right now we are watching the Teaching Co.'s How the Earth Works. My son is also reading a secular middle school text. I figure between the college level TC course and the middle school level textbook, he'll come out even on a high school credit. I'm not making this a lab science (he'll do that for Bio and Chem) but we do plan to do some project and fieldtrips.



Do you know yet what you plan for Bio and Chem? I haven't looked into Teaching Co - will do that. Thanks

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With Bio and Chem there is a homeschooling mom near who teaches these classes. Next year she'll do bio and the year after she'll do Chem. She actually uses A Beka but she is Catholic so she discusses where the text is at odds with current scientific understanding as well as at odds with the Catholic view of things (Catholics don't read the Bible as a science textbook). So I guess I can't help you there! Actually the A Beka bio book is well written and except for a short chapter or two which you can skip, it really doesn't get into evolution, etc so it is pretty flexible, even for those who think evolution is God's very awesome way of creating life!. The Chemistry book is pretty much like any chemistry text so issues aren't raised there at all.

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We were able to use certain texts which weren't overwhelming with young earth stuff. However, it was nice to have the young earth perspective available to discuss. However, we do have old earth creation materials at the house already so can easily show that science and the scriptures DO come together and very nicely at that. Though God COULD have created everything in 7 24-hour periods, it's obvious that He didn't. And though he COULD have used macro-evolution to do so, science and scripture is clear that He didn't. Unfortunately, a lot of old earth creation materials aren't so great either. So it's nice to have materials that give credit where it's due, don't seem to need to twst facts to back up a certain side, and that covers science effectively.


Anyway, but as long as it's not on every page (or even every chapter) of a book, I don't mind using a text that believes differently even if I do think it's ridiculous.

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