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Is it naptime yet?

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I think I decided to go ahead and catch that cold I was trying to avoid before last weekend. I am all congested ... and I never have been able to figure out how you can be all stuffed up and have a runny nose at the same time. It seems like an oxymoron to me.

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I think I decided to go ahead and catch that cold I was trying to avoid before last weekend. I am all congested ... and I never have been able to figure out how you can be all stuffed up and have a runny nose at the same time. It seems like an oxymoron to me.



Does seem strange, doesn't it?


Do yourself a favor and go out to the store and buy some Airborne. It really DOES help shorten the duration of whatever bug you have. Also, drink some hot tea. Do anything you can to raise your body temperature to cook away that virus!


And of course, I'll be praying for you!

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