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Verb types?


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Ok, so my entire grammar education consists of a few weeks instruction in grade one, so you can guess how in depth that wasn't. Does anyone know if there is a site somewhere with the verb types arranged like a family tree or something? There seems to be concrete verbs and abstract verbs. Are they usually classified that way, are they called something else? Regular and irregular verbs, maybe? I feel like such a dunce!



Rosie- hoping to pass grade 2 grammar by the end of the year...

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are you also looking for transitive and intransitive verbs? I am finding out this year that there are many ways to classify verbs - voice, mood, tense, etc. Terms like pluperfect are used in our grammar curriculum and it is causing me to go back and look up quite a bit. We have "simplified" grammar quite a bit in our education system.

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Good for you Laura, but I think that was still too hard for me! So, the most basic classification of verbs are action, linking and auxilary verbs? Actions are the really easy ones, linking are verbs that behave kind of like adjectives, and auxilary verbs are like double verbs? I don't think I want to know about transitive and intransitive verbs just yet, Hollyday. They are too hard :(


*sigh* And hubby doesn't understand why I think I need to learn English grammar before I start studying Latin with him...



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A very simple site explaining grammar very slowly and assuming zero prior knowledge but aimed at adults. I was in accelerated classes in elementary school but somehow they just assumed we were born knowing this kind of stuff and were never taught any of it so I have had to do a lot of relearning.

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