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A year off in science?


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I'm not talking about taking a year off, just that we're doing life science this year, but I'm not starting history or grammar til next year. So I'm wondering is it best to:

a. Do life science again next year with ancients.

b. Progress to earth science next year with ancients.

c. Quit life science now and do it next year, not sure what we'd switch to. Probably random backyard experiments or something.


Dd is almost 5 and this is our 'practice year' as she's also going to preschool. She seems to be doing well with most of what I'm doing (math, penmanship, science, social studies, reading and literature; not everything every day). Though the human body stuff seems to make her a little queasy. Knowing what we're doing next year will help shape what we're doing now- I'm building my own life science program. Thinking about using R.E.A.L. for earth and maybe chemistry and noeo for chemistry and physics. She is already a good reader, but we are doing Ordinary Parents Guide for review and to fill in some gaps.

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I think it would depend how she is grasping earth science. I am doing earth science and ancients with my 7 yo and 5 yo. Is she answering questions about it with interest and doing coloring pages or experiments as well. My 5 yo is really interested in both science and history. I would plan to move on to the next science. You are laying that basic foundation that classical education plans. She will be getting it again. I'm pretty sure SWB says it is an ideal combination to have history and science "match", just to give some kind of natural order, but it is not necessary.

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The WTM science cycle is not the only way to schedule science, and science is hardly mandatory for a 5 year old. So for now, do whatever seems most interesting or convenient. If you decide to keep to the WTM schedules and match the history and science cyles together, maybe this year would be a good time to do nature study. Learning to look at, and anticipate the details in the world around us is a very good use of our time :)



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We did life science for two years with dd1. There are so many animals to study, even leaving out the human body and plants, and so many great field trips that are possible (nature centers, rescue centers, zoos, aquariums...). As a bonus, you have more time to learn about habitats of various animals, which will tie in nicely to earth science. :)

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The WTM science cycle is not the only way to schedule science, and science is hardly mandatory for a 5 year old. So for now, do whatever seems most interesting or convenient. If you decide to keep to the WTM schedules and match the history and science cyles together, maybe this year would be a good time to do nature study. Learning to look at, and anticipate the details in the world around us is a very good use of our time :)





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