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Where can I find a medical diagnostician

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We are getting very desperate for our 14 year old dd who suffers from extreme insomnia. Like I said in my other post it has come to the point where we can no longer keep her in school and it has really taken a toll on her health.


We have gone to a sleep specialist. She offers no help except for sleeping pills, which either don't work or cause severe reactions.


We've gone to a neurologist who also offers no help.


Right now we're taking her to a chiropractic neurologist. At first we were hopeful with him but now nothing he has suggested has helped either.


My husband wants me to find a diagnostician. Is there is such a thing? I really wish there was a House, M.D. like on TV. Is there a place where they can run tests or look at the test already run and figure this thing out. We really think it is more involved then just the insomnia. She has a few other symptoms that lead us to believe that there may be something chemically wrong.


I know a few people who went to the Mayo Clinic without much success. Do you have any experience with a similar place and have had success with it? I don't know where else to turn.

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Please PM me and I will try to help you. I have some experience with undiagnosed ailments and also maybe some recommendations for you based on where you live and your dd's exact problems (is there anything other than insomnia and lose of weight). Actually even if those two things are the sole problems, have you talked with a psychiatrist? Those two things can by a symptom of major depression, which is a disease of chemical inbalance and can cause dramatic changes in sleep and weight. In my family, my sister when she was depressed slept for 18 hours a day and gained a lot of weight but many others get severe insomnia and lose weight. Look it up on the internet.

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I would try a naturopathic doctor. Most medical doctors treat symptoms. Naturopaths try to treat the problem at the source. I would only go to a naturopath who uses and understands traditional lab work as well as an understanding of herbs and supplements. (I've had some strange ones try to diagnose me with crystals etc.) Unfortunately your dd's case sounds very complex. I certainly pray that someone can help you soon.


I don't know where you live but if you live in Washington State or the St. Louis area, I know of some very good ones that I could recommend.

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Please PM me and I will try to help you. I have some experience with undiagnosed ailments and also maybe some recommendations for you based on where you live and your dd's exact problems (is there anything other than insomnia and lose of weight). Actually even if those two things are the sole problems, have you talked with a psychiatrist? Those two things can by a symptom of major depression, which is a disease of chemical inbalance and can cause dramatic changes in sleep and weight. In my family, my sister when she was depressed slept for 18 hours a day and gained a lot of weight but many others get severe insomnia and lose weight. Look it up on the internet.


Insomnia was a major problem for our ds who was diagnosed with major depression. He was also losing weight before treatment. Being on an anti-depressant medication has helped tremendously.

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