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Has anyone had an Endometrial Biopsy?

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I have been spotting prior to getting my periods. I have a dr's appt on Monday. My SIL said (who is a med asst at the office) said he might do an endometrial biopsy if he doesn't feel anything wrong.(Like a cyst or fibroid). I am going to be 42.


My periods themself have not changed at all. They still come on time, last the same amount of time, no heavy bleeding, no painful cramps, nothing. I have been the same since I have been 12.


So she said based on that, he would still have to determine why I am spotting prior to getting my cycle. I spot for 2-4 days, it stops, then a few days later I get my period right on time. I had a med change last month and that is when it started, but that still will not tell him for sure.


So she says maybe an endo biopsy. This scares the you know what out of me. Can anyone tell me about it and what to expect? Just in case?



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I had one last year after an u/s showed uterine polyps - bec they were going to do an endometrial ablation and novasure along with the biopsy I had to be put to sleep(I'm 45 and was having .'s ever 2 weeks-no ability to have more dc bec of health reasons and only 1 ovary/tube remaining). Anyway it was really easy -I went home within an hour after waking up and didn't have any problems. They said it would have been even easier if it was only the biopsy and could have been done in the Dr's office.

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It was not a big deal.


They told me to take 800mg of Ibuprofen about 30 minutes before coming in, and that freaked me out, lol, but once they did it, and said they were finished, I was all..."Are you serious?! That's it?!" (It doesn't take any more time than a Pap smear).


A little pressure, some pinching, maybe...don't work yourself up over it, though. I'm not sure if others have had worse experiences, but for me, the anxiety before hand was the worst thing.


(I'll pray that the results are good and your spotting is easily explained and resolved.)



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It was ...pretty bad. Thank God it came back normal but the procedure is really uncomfortable and I would take valium and tylenol before. It is essential that you not move as they can puncture the uterine wall very easily thus, you must be still. It is really not long maybe a couple of minutes but do not let anyone mislead you regarding the discomfort. Ask for pain meds for the cramping afterward.

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I had it done just a few months ago and it was no big deal for me. Other than a little pinch, I had no pain and no cramping. I may have taken an advil or tylenol before hand, but I don't remember for sure. The anticipation was the worst part of the whole ordeal!!

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Now my SIL told me that while I was there for my "annual", the Dr. could do the Endo Biopsy at the same time, if he thought I needed it(because of the spotting). So, I read others here were told to take Ibuprofen prior to the procedure. I am afraid that if he tells me to come back for it, I will chicken out. If I am there, on the table already(sorry, if TMI), I say just do it and get it done. I will deal with any pain during and after if I have to.


My anticipation is worse then the procedure itself usually!!!


Thank you, many of you have put my mind at ease.

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I've had 2 done, one hurt and one didn't.


The one that hurt was when they cut a bit of tissue out. It hurt, but wasn't awful.


The one that didn't was when they only scraped the wall. (It was nothing. Seriously.)


Don't be scared! :)


Thank you! About how long for test results on average?

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It was not a big deal.


They told me to take 800mg of Ibuprofen about 30 minutes before coming in, and that freaked me out, lol, but once they did it, and said they were finished, I was all..."Are you serious?! That's it?!" (It doesn't take any more time than a Pap smear).


A little pressure, some pinching, maybe...don't work yourself up over it, though. I'm not sure if others have had worse experiences, but for me, the anxiety before hand was the worst thing.


(I'll pray that the results are good and your spotting is easily explained and resolved.)





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I had one done a few years ago when I had unexplained bleeding. The procedure was quick - about 15 minutes total - and wasn't too painful. I did feel several pinches and there was some cramping during and afterwards. My doctor recommended I take 800mgs of ibuprofen about an hour before the procedure and afterwards as needed. He got the results back in a week.


Just try to relax and don't be scared. :)

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I had one done last year for spotting. It was NOT comfortable and I had a lot of bleeding afterwards, but it was nothing I couldn't handle. The feeling was like someone rubbing a raw spot over and over with a bristled brush - for just about 2 minutes too long! Then, my wonderful doctor didn't get what he needed the first time and turned around and did it AGAIN 2 seconds later. I would NOT recommend that! LOL


Hope you can find the cause of your spotting. We never really did find the cause of mine, but it stopped eventually (hormones were most likely the culprit).

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I have had one due to excessively long periods.


I'm writing this without reading the other posts since I was just going to relate my experience.


He used a log q-tip to tap my cervix and make it dilate a little. Then, he inserted the instrument and scraped a bit of my uterus, it was pinchy.


I would say it was really uncomfortable but not painful.


I did not have any spotting or pain after the fact.

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