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How long do you spend in the computer each day?

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I'm finding myself loosing too much time in the copmuter. Probably 1-3 hours/day. Work doesn't get done. My house is always messy (with 4 kids under 6 ). At least we always get school work done , about 2H/day ...


I found this board extremely helpful for me as a new homeschool mom ,I have learned so much just by browsing ??? and replies , but now I am hooked !


Just wondering how much time does everyone else is spending?

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I agree with you... I got hooked as well! But I am cutting back and actually living real life. (LOL) Ya'll are wondering how I'm hooked as I look like a newbie but I guess I'm a hooked lurker.


Anyways, try to find a balance that fits for you. That what has helped me. I do give myself time on here as I need it for support but also get "work" done first. I would say 1-2 hours computer time per day has worked for me, spread out and a lot in the evening after kids are in bed.


Good luck!

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My computer is on pretty much all day, and I glance at it off and on. My daycare kids' mom communicates to me via Facebook and email, so I check there frequently through the day. I also work on my computer and pop in and out of various places all day. There are some days then I do "fun online" much more than on others. Completely depends on the day.

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I use the computer at work for 12 hours a day three days a week. At home, I check email, both work and personal, with my morning coffee and chat with my ds if I can catch him before he goes to bed and peek in here. I check back in the afternoon while dinner is cooking. After I read to the kids at night, I will chat online with my ds if he isn't too busy, check email, pay bills, and read here while I watch the BBC world news. That's about all unless my insomnia is acting out.


You can't let it take over your life. What would you do if your kids spent as much time online as you do? We need real life as much as our kids kids do.

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My computer tends to be on all day too.

I used to spend several hours a day online- especially when I was researching curriculum, which went on for years but now seemed to have finished.

Nowadays I get on in the morning, check my email, maybe write an email or two, come here to the boards, and have a browse...rarely am I on for long though. I will come back several times a day usually.

The intense, several hours a day period was disruptive to my family, but I tried to balance it and discipline myself. In the end, it seems to have just wound down by itself as other interests have come in.

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I just downloaded K9 web Protection, it is free, and you can set it to filter, but also to set up times it will allow you to browse online. I set up a time in the AM, afternoon, and night that I can be on. Other than that, it blocks me from using internet. I gave the password to my hubby and asked him not to give it back to me! It is the only way I can control my addiction to being on this darn site, LOL! It was really taking over too much of my time, and I didn't always have the discipline to keep away. Especially when I was feeling down already--I would head for the computer! Honestly, I feel kinda lost not being online so much, which shows me just how addicted I was. I know I will adjust and be much better off limiting the time I browse...and I am so relieved to not have the temptation...now I don't have the possibility of getting online at any old time, just the assigned times. It is working really, really well for me!

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