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Left handed scissors?

Mrs. Frankweiler

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My little guy (ds5) has turned out to be a left hander. Not a surprise, since I'm a lefty, but I cut with my right hand, so scissors have never been a problem for me. I am realizing how tricky it can be for a new cutter to try to use scissors designed for a righty. (It's even tricky for me to use with my left hand!)


Any suggestions for finding good left-handed scissors? I'm a little torn about doing this, because left handed scissors are uncommon and hard to find, and I don't want to to subject him to a life of difficult cutting. In other words, I sort of want to "convert" him to a right-handed cutter so that he doesn't have such a hard time later on. Controversial, I know.


Idea? Advice?

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I bought my ds (then 5) left-handed scissors last year from Rainbow Resource. I checked with our office supply stores and no one carried them. Plenty of other places carried the kind that specify they are good for right & left-handed. They did not work for my left-handed little guy. The left-handed pair made a drastic improvement in his cutting skills!


It looks like Rainbow only carries the pointed tip now, but Amazon also has left handed scissors, both pointed and blunt.

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We used to buy the Fiskars that say they are for either hand, but my lefty said they were uncomfortable. He started using his his right hand to cut because it felt better. It didn't take any special encouraging from us, he just did what felt better.



I like left-handed Fiskars (not the ambidextrous ones) for my lefty ds. I'm a lefty that only used my left-hand to cut as a chlid (after I petitioned my elementary school for lefty scissors) because I had no right-hand coordination. Now, I can cut with either.

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I'm a lefty but I can't stand left-handed scissors. Although I write and draw with my let hand I favour my right hand for a lot of other things like cutting or throwing. I think there are a lot of lefties like that so I wouldn't count on your child needing left-handed scissors just yet. It might be nice to find a cheap pair and see which he prefers but don't count him as a total lefty yet.

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I'm a lefty but I can't stand left-handed scissors. Although I write and draw with my let hand I favour my right hand for a lot of other things like cutting or throwing. I think there are a lot of lefties like that so I wouldn't count on your child needing left-handed scissors just yet. It might be nice to find a cheap pair and see which he prefers but don't count him as a total lefty yet.


My dh is like you. He's a lefty, but is very ambidextrous. I, however, am VERY left-handed. I've learned to use my right hand for some things over the years (like cutting), but it was a hard road for me. It'll be interesting to see how our 3yo lefty ds turns out.

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I got Fiskars kid with a blunt tip left handed scissors via amazon. They made a huge difference for my left handed son. I think sometimes I should have encouraged him to do it right handed but it didn't occur to me to try. I just knew he was frustrated with the "universal" scissors. My husband, a leftie, told me he hates to cut because cutting with universal scissors left handed tears the paper. So he's one leftie who didn't adapt to cutting right handed (he does bat and kick and throw right handed).

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I still use one of the first lefty scissors my parents got me in grade school to clip my coupons. The kind that are all metal and have the word "LEFTY" stamped into the metal on the outer sides of the blades. Those are some long-lived scissors!


Erica in OR


Those are the kind we had in school and I loved them. Ours had green plastic over the handles so that you could easily find them amidst the right scissors! Good times!

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Those are the kind we had in school and I loved them. Ours had green plastic over the handles so that you could easily find them amidst the right scissors! Good times!


I had those! I loved them so very, very much. I was a very strong lefty as a young child, and I could not cut with my right hand no matter how much my mom asked me to. It just didn't happen. If it doesn't happen for your son either, don't worry. He'll learn to compensate on his own as he grows. There are a lot of "lefty-compatible" scissors out there now, but even for all that, I have become ambidextrous, at least when it comes to scissors. :)

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