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Oh for heaven's sake!


Well, it seems a childish thing to spread news over. But, that reinforces my view of tweeting and Twitter--it's a gossip machine in many ways. The name makes me think of The Music Man and the song lines "pick-a-little, talk-a-little, pick-a-little, talk-a-little, cheep, cheep, cheep, talk-a lot, pick-a-little-more".


Two aspects of "truthiness" though--the President's remarks and someone else's observation that they weren't very presidential remarks. I bet he won't be as loose-tongued in a newsroom again! Nothing new, though; other presidents have made unwise comments with a mic around.


Seems kinda snoopy and nosy of those journalists, actually. Sheesh!

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No, I don't think news crews should be twittering about off-camera conversations. It said in the article that there was an unwritten rule and only official, on-camera interview material is considered "on the record." Not everything is fair game. Not even the President is immune to making mistakes or saying something he shouldn't have. I don't envy his situation, since I'm notorious for sticking my foot in my mouth! There has to be a certain level of trust, and the administration will become more wary of the media if it (the media) can't keep assumed off the record things information actually off the record.


On the other hand....maybe this is his attempt to unify the country? I mean, who DOESN'T agree with Obama on this?


(If he could somehow tie this to the health care debate, then maybe we could get a workable bill in Congress!) :auto:

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On the other hand....maybe this is his attempt to unify the country? I mean, who DOESN'T agree with Obama on this?


(If he could somehow tie this to the health care debate, then maybe we could get a workable bill in Congress!) :auto:



I think I may have said the same thing when I read what Kayne had done. And the fact that we are using truthiness to discuss twitter just cracks me up for some reason. Colbert would be proud that his word has made it this far.


And don't get me started about Twitter. Does anyone else's dh read twitter in bed? It drives me batty. I refuse to "follow" him. :glare: I told that following him wasn't in our vows - love, honour, something else but not "follow your tweets". :D

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