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Teachers of large families, do you ever combine classes for two close in age?


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I am teaching 6 this fall. Last year, my 8 yo and 9yo did Shurley 1 together. I have switched to FLL this year. I had planned to teach them together. But then, the whole "grade level" thing started bothering me. Maybe I should teach them separately.


Should I teach my 9yo using FLL 3 and do my 8 yo with FLL 1/2? I will say my 9yo is very bright, but she has some health issues and gets frustrated very easily. But, I do own FLL3, so I can see that I think she would be fine with it because it is so gentle. (I started them in 1st at age 7, so technically, they are in 2nd (8yo) and 3rd (9yo))


As far as our day goes, we follow a schedule which is pretty tight timewise for me. That is why I was teaching them together to begin with. Also, I added AAS this year. So, allowing 15 min per child old enough for it, has added an hour to my teaching time each day. Not sure if it was a mistake or not because of that. I have seriously wondered if I should return some of it and get workbooks again. Love the program, though. (Hoping it will help my older dd who is my struggling speller.)


Next year, I want to add Latin and if I separate the girls in regard to FLL, I don't know how I could do it, timewise.


It certainly is a lot to juggle. But, what a wonderful adventure!!! :D


Any thoughts, ideas, or suggestions from other moms of large families?

Edited by Mommy7
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I combine my 4th and 3rd graders in class every day and have for three years. It works well for us as DS8 is fully capable of working above grade level, while DD10 has some minor learning issues and works at or below grade level. So, they are both doing what is considered to be 4th grade work and they do it together. What DD can't do as fast as DS (ie, math), we separate and use different curriculums so there are no comparisons (we use Singapore for DS and MUS for DD). The rest of the subjects I teach them together. My twins are identical and so far track well together ability-wise, so we do everything together for the two of them as well. History and science are taught to all four as a group, with the big ones assisting the littles when necessary.


So far, so good!

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I would combine your 8 & 9 yo for FLL 3. I don't use it but I looked at the samples and I think it would work well for those ages. It starts with review so I think anything that they didn't catch in Shurley they would pick up quickly.


I started AAS this year and I try to do two at a time. I just sit one on one side of me and the other on the other side and we go back and forth between the two. It seems to work well so far.


Have you tried workboxes? It has really helped me to be more organized.


Also, I LOVE MFW for combining history & science. I wasn't sure how it was going to go but it is working so well. My 5yo LOVES to join in the fun! We are doing Adventures this year.

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My 4th and 5th graders have always worked together. I make allowances for my 4th grader as needed (he does 5th grade work), and it's been great. Like a pp said, you can expect a little more from one, a little less from the other. I've always thought it was one of the beauties of homeschooling for our family. :001_smile:

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I combine History, Literature, Art, Music, and Science. We have "table time" for an hour and a half or so every morning where each child works on individual levels for math, spelling, grammar, etc. I don't do all of their individual subjects every day. With AAS, I try to stagger which student will be on a new step and take a bit more time. Then we do a few days of review in between steps, which is usually pretty quick.


I'll probably add Lively Latin for my older two later in the school year.

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Thank you so much for all of your thoughts. I think I'll try FLL3 with them this year. I was concerned about frustrating the younger, but I think it will be okay. I'll just expect a little less, as a few of you suggested.


We started MFW this year and are loving it. So, we do combine history, science, art, music. I am also teaching both my almost 5 yo and my almost 6yo MFW K. So, I hope to keep them together in future years.:)


I thank the Lord for the wisdom He has poured forth through you all. Somehow He makes it all come together!!!



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Definitely combine if you can. I have my 9th, 8th and 6th graders in these same courses:

R&S English 6

IEW Writing

TOG D level


SWR ( review for the 9th grader)

The 9th and 8th graders are in the same math and science courses and my 9th and 11th graders are in the same literature course.

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