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Tea Tree Oil shampoo

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I just went through the same thing. Actually, still am.


I did buy the Tea Tree oil shampoo and all of us have been using it as a preventative, but it does nothing to get rid of an existing infestation.


Actually, I haven't been able to get rid of it at all. I had several recommendations on this board, and researched the heck out of it on my own, too. I sat for many sessions for hours on end picking nits out of her hair. I have washed with bleach every stitch of bedding, vacuumed and even steam cleaned the carpet, bagged the stuffed animals....still she has recurring nits.


That said, no one else in the family has gotten it, so the Tea Tree Oil has probably helped.


Good luck!

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My dd has lice. She is the only one in the family to have it. We are going to treat the whole family. I read several threads that mentioned getting shampoo with tea tree oil in it. Does it matter what shampoo other than it having tea tree oil?






We use the Paul Mitchell generic shampoo. It is called Tea Tree Shampoo. They also have Tea Tree Conditioner, which I am told works also. Friends of mine use something else not sure of the name. After we struggled getting rid of the bugs, we invested in two things......1 the above mentioned shampoo and 2 the metal lice combs from Walgreens (these work sooooooo much better than the plastic ones and are only $6). We only use the shampoo once a week. I am allergic to the tea tree so I use it sparingly but it does work. In between washing with the tea tree, we use either shampoo with coconut or rosemary....they don't like those smells.


Good luck!

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I just went through the same thing. Actually, still am.


I did buy the Tea Tree oil shampoo and all of us have been using it as a preventative, but it does nothing to get rid of an existing infestation.


Actually, I haven't been able to get rid of it at all. I had several recommendations on this board, and researched the heck out of it on my own, too. I sat for many sessions for hours on end picking nits out of her hair. I have washed with bleach every stitch of bedding, vacuumed and even steam cleaned the carpet, bagged the stuffed animals....still she has recurring nits.


That said, no one else in the family has gotten it, so the Tea Tree Oil has probably helped.


Good luck!



It took almost 6 months for my dd1 to get rid of them. Now if there is an outbreak in our local ps schools, I can guarantee she will get them (?!?!?) even though we homeschool she is with alot of ps children. Not all of us get them though. I have had them once and so hasn't my dd2 but we were able to use the walmart treatment and then prevent them as mentioned above. My dd1 just seems to suffer more than anyone......she cries when she thinks her head itches too much......ugh! :tongue_smilie:

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I just went through the same thing. Actually, still am.


I did buy the Tea Tree oil shampoo and all of us have been using it as a preventative, but it does nothing to get rid of an existing infestation.



I am wanting Tea Tree oil shampoo to hopefully help us to not get lice again.


What have you tried? We had lice once before, but I don't remember what all we did to get rid of it. We do have a metal lice comb. We have went all through my dd's hair once and will many more times.



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My dd has lice. She is the only one in the family to have it. We are going to treat the whole family. I read several threads that mentioned getting shampoo with tea tree oil in it. Does it matter what shampoo other than it having tea tree oil?






I heard that coconut shampoo will discourage lice from going in someone's hair so I'm sure tea tree oil shampoo would work the same. The shampoo won't kill them - only repel them.


Once you have lice you have to either use chemicals to kill them, something to smother them, (mayonaise, olive oil, vasoline or cetiphil liquid soap) or pick them out individually.


To smother lice thickly coat all the hair with mayonaise and then wrap the hair with plastic wrap. Leave the plastic wrap on the hair for several hours, (you are trying to smother the live lice). Then wash the hair and comb out with a metal nit comb. The smother technique will not kill the eggs which hatch within a week or two. We followed up the mayo session with a daily comb out every day for two weeks. I also used coconut shampoo and kept her hair braided during that time, (since her bf had lice too). We never saw any more lice after that and I never found any eggs in the comb. Maybe we go them all the first time. Not sure.


You will need to treat her hairbrush, hats, bedding, clothes, couches, chairs, floor - anywhere she puts her head. Lice can't jump or fly but they can be transferred from head to head contact.


Good luck!

Edited by Ferdie
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I am wanting Tea Tree oil shampoo to hopefully help us to not get lice again.


What have you tried? We had lice once before, but I don't remember what all we did to get rid of it. We do have a metal lice comb. We have went all through my dd's hair once and will many more times.




We used Suave Coconut Shampoo and Conditioner for several months afterward to help not get it again. I wasn't sure where my dd got them from and really didn't want to go through it again.

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We have washed all of her bedding and are working on washing everything else. We will probably keep rewashing everything for a few days just to make sure.


We did two comb outs today. The second time all I got was a few eggs. I want to be sure I got all of the adults. We will do the smother technique tomorrow. We will keep combing out her hair everyday for as many days as it takes.


The shampoo is just extra since I am not sure where my dd got lice. I want to do what I can so that we hopefully don't have to go through this again.

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When it happened to my kids, I used at first RID that first day we found those bugs walking in my kids' hair. It didn't work completely as 2 days after I still found live ones in their hair. I then use olive oil, plenty of it, and applied all over the hair during the day and before the kids went to sleep. I got the cheap plastic shower caps from Walgreens and cover their hair for about 3 hours during the day and overnight. I shampooed using DOVE dishwashing detergent. I followed with Good Nature Tea Tree Shampoo and rinse with the Tea Tree Conditioner. I then spray with a concoction I made with 1 tsp each of tea tree oil, rosemary oil, citronella oil and eucalyptus oil into a heavy duty sprayer filled up to 25 fl oz. I comb their hair using the metal comb which I bought at Walgreens right after I use the conditioner and before I sprayed the self-made concoction I made.


The week after I still found a live one in one of my girl's hair. I proceeded to do the olive oil smothering treatment but only during the day. Again, I rinse with DOVE dishwashing detergent as this is the only I found that completely washes off the grease from olive oil. I shampoo their hair again with tea tree shampoo followed by conditioner. I then comb with the fine tooth lice metal comb and finally sprayed with the concoction I made above. During the second week, I would do this at night so right before they go to sleep, after I sprayed the concoction on their heads, I wrapped it up with the plastic shower cap.


We continued this treatment into the third week even though during this time I didn't find any live one anymore. The nits were still in their head since it was so numerous that I couldn't get them out even though I was doing it everyday. The nits were all dead though during the third week.


While this was going on, we wash clothes and bedsheets every single day. I spray the couch, their beds, the kitchen sink with the concoction spray I made. We bag all their toys and sealed them in garbage bags and stayed outside in the yard for 4 weeks. We took out the beds outside and sprayed them with RID and my concoction. We took and wash all the comforters and blankets. My kids slept in their bed with a single blanket and pillow lined with towels which we promptly wash in the morning. They wore a single set of day clothes and night clothes which were washed everyday every morning.


It's about 4 months now and so far we are not reinfested. The kids in my homeschool group got reinfested after two months. When they said they don't have it anymore, my kids still remove their clothes in the garage before they get inside the house. They ran quickly to the bathroom to scrub their hair and body. Uses tea tree shampoo and conditioner, followed by a comb out, and then the spray that I made. So far, even though they still play with the other kids in the homeschool group, the kids have not gotten it again.


A lot of work it is which is comparable to having your kids throwing up continuously for three weeks in a row. It worked for us and now as a prevention, I still uses tea tree shampoo and conditioner and the spray. My kids are in the swim team for four days every week, and I treat them this way still.


I don't want to ever go through that again. Shudder, shuddering at the thought of those head invaders.

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I am wanting Tea Tree oil shampoo to hopefully help us to not get lice again.


What have you tried? We had lice once before, but I don't remember what all we did to get rid of it. We do have a metal lice comb. We have went all through my dd's hair once and will many more times.




First I tried the Rid-X, or whatever it is from the grocery store. The we tried Lice-R-Gone, which many people raved about on this board but, unfortunately, did nothing for DD. So I called the pediatrician and she said they had some stuff they wanted me to try before going prescription. It's called LiceMD and they sell it at Wal-Mart (although the doc gave me a free bottle). I thought this one did the trick, and I retreated as I was supposed to, but the stupid little things came back.


I really don't know what else to do. I'm trying the LiceMD again, but I'm sick to death of picking my poor kid's hair!


Like I said, we all have been using tea tree oil and haven't gotten any. My older DD and I have used a product we got from Aveda and it seems to work well. Plus, she has dandruff and this has gotten rid of that, too, so...bonus!

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