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What changes have you made with Bible study as your dc enters logic stage?

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It seems like up til now it's been mainly the story Bible types of study for us. Dd9 (almost 10-academically advanced) is definitely ready for more meat. (She did adult BSF work with me for a year, but we don't have that option this year. It went great but was a LOT of work.)


Interested to see what others have done to get more into application, making connections, etc. as their dc go into logic stage. Not necessarily just curriculum, but anything you have done/are doing.


(x-post K-8)

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We are reading it aloud for our family Bible time. Ds12, dd7 and dh all listen while I read (I'm the designated reader in our family). The children both raise their hands when they have questions during the reading. It really is a bit too hard for my very concrete 7 year old but she has lots of questions and really tries hard to understand. At the end of the chapter there are 2 questions posed by the book. We give dd7 a chance to answer first and then let ds12 give his answer. Sometimes I have questions that I ask. Dh fields the questions. Sometimes the chapters are hard enough that we will read them over again the next night too.

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We switched from responding to Bible study questions to creating them ourselves. It has been a smashing success not only for dd but for the other jr high students I taught as well.


Step one--Mark text and take notes on facts. You would mark things like repetitions, major themes, places, times, etc., etc.


Step two--Use your notes to make maps, timelines, character descriptions, Bible study questions, write commentary, application notes, etc.


When not doing the above, I have found that junior high students are well able to adult Bible study materials.


Try the high school series or adult series from Explorer's for something similar to BSF.



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I tried Explorer's but it seemed a little dry for us. Then, thru this board, I tried Positive Action For Christ. We are going thru Building Life Castles, the fourth grade book. The first chapter had us looking up verses in John and in a few other places to see the names of Jesus--it was really neat! We split the lesson into 4 days. There was a little crossword-type puzzle, some vocab words (teacher gets to decide which might be necessary), and some application questions. It's not overwhelming, and I've really like it so far. Dd is okay with it--it's our first real Bible study, as we've only done devotions during school time previously. There is a sample on their website.

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