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Shout out for encouragement and prayer.

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I am beyond discouraged today. We are drowning in medical bills and other bills. I had to email my husband's family yesterday to ask for donations towards our $500 copay for an MRI, because doctors suspect my husband has a pituitary tumor. We have put it off for months because of bills (Yes, we are familiar with payment plans. We have several of them.) The doctor said yesterday if we wait too long, surgery will be required. (BIL called today & is sending money.) We have had to cancel piano lessons, have been trying to sell our nice car for months. My 4th grader is just screaming and crying and refusing to do school. I called her a little sh&*$%, which broke her heart. (I don't normally do that.) So, I said, after hours of hysteria, that I will get her a slice of pizza and let her pick a movie at the movie store if her work is finished and her behavior acceptable for the rest of the day. That's working so far. It's not even noon, and I'm destroyed. Please pray, please give encouragement.

Edited by MistyJ
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Misty, I'm praying for you. :grouphug:

Medical issues can put a lot of strain on a family. I know school just started, but maybe take a few days to sit and read together, love each other, and pray together. It's a growing time for your family. This is the "real" life that homeschoolers have to learn, vs. learning it when they are 22 and realize who their true friends are. I pray your husband gets the MRI and the medicine he needs to shrink the tumor. I have one, but Pituitary tumors in women are usually different then the ones that present in men. Praying for you. PM me if you have any questions, although my knowledge only comes from the woman side.

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Praying for you and please don't stress the school. Do what you can but be gracious and it will work out for you. The year of our Jobean problems turned out to be the year when my dds achieved the greatest gains on their test scores and it certainly wasn't the school work I had them do that year since it really was the year of turmoil. Take care of your husband's medical problems first. That is the most important thing.

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You are not destroyed!

You are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed... (2 Cor 4:8-9)


If you can, be done with school for the day. When neither teacher nor student are functional (has happened to me :crying:), then no pizza & movie will make the day better. Besides, then there is no need to spend $$ on that. Have an afternoon of read-alouds & board games & playing piano pieces you both enjoy.

I will pray!

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You are not destroyed!

You are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed... (2 Cor 4:8-9)


If you can, be done with school for the day. When neither teacher nor student are functional (has happened to me :crying:), then no pizza & movie will make the day better. Besides, then there is no need to spend $$ on that. Have an afternoon of read-alouds & board games & playing piano pieces you both enjoy.

I will pray!


I should clarify: slice of pizza from pizza counter at grocery store and rented movie from movie store. Hoping to come in under $10. : )


Thank you so much for the scripture. I'm going to look that up now.

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