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Has anyone used these "build it yourself" books?


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No, but I know I saw them on Wowio a long time ago. I don't know if they are still there, or if it's still free, but you could take a look if you don't mind registering. At the time they were available as free downloads.


ETA: I'm sorry, I got curious and went to look, and I didn't find them. Maybe you'll find something else you want there, though!

Edited by klmama
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We have used the Pioneer one, the WWII one, the Civil War one, and the Egypt one. We really enjoyed them. In the pioneer one they had projects like making a bonnet or a ammunition bag, building a log house or a sod house out of eddible things like pretzels and brownies. Ds loved that one, we built a brownie soddie on a piece of wood, there was a pretzel wood pile, outbuildings, green coconut grass... he took it to cub scouts and they ate it for snack.;) The WWII one had a game to teach dc what it was like during the war shopping with ration stamps, airplanes to make, victory garden, lots of good stuff.


the thing I like best about these is the text is really interesting and there are lots of good pictures, not just projects. It's a shame wowio doesn't carry them anymore, I downloaded all of mine for free.




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I have! I won a set of a bunch of them in some blog contest, and didn't even know til they showed up in the mail. I love the format. The information is truly fascinating; the projects are truly related to the info. Best of all, the projects are worthwhile. They're not usually stuff you're going to throw out three weeks after you make it, or things you make just to keep your hands busy that don't really teach anything. I recommend them.


ETA -- I just saw the age of your son. These projects are probably best for ages nine and up, unless your child is handy with a hammer and saw, can cook something like boxed mac and cheese, can handle plastic wrap without frustration, can take measurements with various devices, etc.

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I was really stoked about the medieval one until I got it from the library and really looked at the projects. They look fantastic ... but no for my kids' ages. I agree with the pp who said your son might be very frustrated if you tried to use the books now.



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