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Ick...the sickness has moved in.

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Seems like suddenly everyone in our town is sick. :001_unsure:


My kids are all headachy, coughing, sneezing, the works. My dh is not feeling well. Several of my dd's friends are sick. Everywhere we've been the past few days has been filled with sneezing, coughing people. And yes, H1N1 is here, confirmed. I'm wondering how many of these folks have it? Seems unlikely that we'd all have a rampant cold virus and the flu pop up all at once. :confused:

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interesting, though. Last week, dd10 and ds8 had what appeared to be sinus infections with cough, fever, fatigue. dd8 had a fever and head congestion. Treated all of them symptomically.


Monday, dh becomes very hoarse, has alot of post-nasal drip, develops a fever and cough today, and just a couple of hours ago, I begin presenting with the same symptoms and pattern as he did.


We are typically able to confine whatever 'bug' someone in our house has -- but, this time, that is not the case. One kid will get strep, but no one else; one tested positive for flu this past winter, but no one else became ill, so it is unusual for something to pass through all of us.


Most unusual, dh feels so crummy, he is actually taking a sick day tomorrow -- I cannot remember, in 14 years of marriage,him ever taking a sick day!

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Eeek! Pneumonia is not good. My four yr old had bacterial pneumonia in February and was very, very sick. Scary stuff.


We've had a bug in our house this week and it hit me Saturday night. Of course, it seems to be taking me longer to get over it than the kids did. Started with sudden fever (103.4 was my highest, I think), achiness, chills, then sore throat and headache, general exhaustion, and now diarrhea. I'm sorta hoping it's swine flu and that we'll be immune, but no idea. Sigh.


My mother in law caught it, but my husband and father in law (so far) seem immune. Tho my husband almost never gets sick.

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Well, I just had to take dd12 to the doc. She couldn't make it up a small hill without stopping to catch her breath. Turns out she has pnuemonia...but not the flu.


Usually pneumonia settles in after influenza or a cold though. it's very possible she had an ubermild case of flu.



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Usually pneumonia settles in after influenza or a cold though. it's very possible she had an ubermild case of flu.




That is what I was thinking. My youngest ds had pneumonia after a cold a few years back. I was told that if he had come in even a couple of hours before, they would not have seen it on the x-ray. He was falling asleep sitting up, breathing was very difficult, and he was very pale. I cannot imagine what he would have been like a couple of hours later without meds. Scary stuff! Hopefully everyone is better quick!!!

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