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do you have a nearly 4 yo?

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If you do, is s/he all over you all the time?? I'm just wondering because my twins who are almost four are always hanging on me, sitting on my lap, etc. And then I have a one year old too, so I always have at least one child hanging off of me! :) I know I'm very blessed. I don't remember if my older dc were this cuddly at almost 4, or maybe it just seems like more because there is two of them!

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If you do, is s/he all over you all the time?? I'm just wondering because my twins who are almost four are always hanging on me, sitting on my lap, etc. And then I have a one year old too, so I always have at least one child hanging off of me! :) I know I'm very blessed. I don't remember if my older dc were this cuddly at almost 4, or maybe it just seems like more because there is two of them!


I freaked out a little bit when I read your post, 'cause it's like you are reading my mind. :D


My youngest son, who will be four in November, will.not.stay.off.me. And I mean that literally. He has started, in the past oh, two weeks or so, clawing at me to pick him up, climbing on me, sitting on me, DEMANDING to be physically ON me almost constantly.


I thought it was just me! I pointed it out to dh, and remarked that I didn't remember this happening with my 6yo ds. (That doesn't mean he didn't do it, I just don't *remember him doing it.)


Well, whatever it is, I just try to give him what he needs. I know there will be a day when they won't want mommy snuggling them, so I'll soak it all up now...

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I freaked out a little bit when I read your post, 'cause it's like you are reading my mind. :D


My youngest son, who will be four in November, will.not.stay.off.me. And I mean that literally. He has started, in the past oh, two weeks or so, clawing at me to pick him up, climbing on me, sitting on me, DEMANDING to be physically ON me almost constantly.


I thought it was just me! I pointed it out to dh, and remarked that I didn't remember this happening with my 6yo ds. (That doesn't mean he didn't do it, I just don't *remember him doing it.)


Well, whatever it is, I just try to give him what he needs. I know there will be a day when they won't want mommy snuggling them, so I'll soak it all up now...


Right! Exactly! It seems like they want to be all over me more than they did before. Every time I sit down, I have at least one of them on my lap!

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Right! Exactly! It seems like they want to be all over me more than they did before. Every time I sit down, I have at least one of them on my lap!


I KNOW! :D One side of my brain wants to say ' hey, you know I'm my own person, right? And that I enjoy personal space as much as the next guy?' , but the the other side of my brain says 'awwww, I hope he never wants to get out of my lap'.


Crazy-makin', I tell ya. :D

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My dd just turned 4 and for months now she has been extremely clingy to me. Wants to go everywhere I am, always wanting to cuddle, sit in my lap and must have me to "cuddle up with" as she is falling asleep. At bedtime, she'll say, "Come on, Mommy, I want to cuddle up with you". It is precious, but it can get rather old...especially when Mommy has a boatload of things to do at night when the house is quiet. :) But honestly, she was my only cuddler and I am savoring every moment of it b/c I know it won't last.

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