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DS wants to learn French.


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We've just started First Start French and so far I like it. It's put out by Memoria Press, but it's secular from all that I can see (which is good for us:)). It does have some prayers in the back, if one wanted to learn them, but they are not used in the lessons.


We tried the first semester of Elementary French 1 through powerspeak this summer. It was a fun introduction and got her interested in the language, but I haven't seen the retention I would want for the money we paid (and it was even discounted).

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My 6th grader is using First Start French from Memoria Press, along with the Tell Me More software from Auralog.


She just started a week or two ago. I can tell you that we like the setup of the First Start book, which follows the general format of Latina Christiana (which both my kids learned a lot with). There is also a cd for pronunciation of vocabulary (includes a few songs).


Because it's a living language, and we don't have a ton of local resources, we also use Tell Me More. She can listen to vocabulary and sample dialogues, and also speak into the microphone for the program to evaluate her accent.


TMM is sold as a complete (and expensive ;)) program on its own, but we preferred the guidance of a written text.

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We use a lot of videos. My son likes the series of French videos put out by the Standard Deviants and we just started a series of dvds called French in Action, which is designed to accompany a textbook by the same name, but we're just using the dvds. Last year, my son also liked watching Muzzy.


We used First Start French a couple of years ago and liked it, but our approach with French now is pretty informal, since we are studying Latin and Greek more "seriously", i.e., learning grammar, memorizing vocabulary, etc. So for us French is more for exposure and conversation.

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