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Baby Gift for baby #5/Need input from

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OK, Ladies (& gents),


A dear friend is soon to deliver her 6th child, a boy (we're told), which will make 4 boys/2 girls. The two youngest children are boys, all have similar birthdates. So, she's telling us that all she really needs is diapers. I plan to load her up.


I'm thrilled beyond measure that she's invited me to witness the birth.


My question is...what is a meaningful, thoughtful gift I can give her that is either for the new little guy or something just to pamper her. I'd like to take something with me to the birth.


I'd love all input, but am particularly interested if you Mamas of large families would give me some ideas.



Thanks in advance!

I'm signing off soon and will pop back in later or tomorrow.

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I appreciated food, an especially cute outfit, hat or socks (where do all the socks in my house go?), diapers is a good idea too. As far as pampering I love to make the mom a small make up bag to bring to the hospital with mints, lipbalm or gloss, a brush, maybe some new make up. OH~ a friend sent me a GC for a pedicure, that was a thoughtful gift, got to have the feet in shape for the big day :-)


It is so sweet of you to give such thought to this,



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OK, Ladies (& gents),


A dear friend is soon to deliver her 6th child, a boy (we're told), which will make 4 boys/2 girls. The two youngest children are boys, all have similar birthdates. So, she's telling us that all she really needs is diapers. I plan to load her up.


I'm thrilled beyond measure that she's invited me to witness the birth.


My question is...what is a meaningful, thoughtful gift I can give her that is either for the new little guy or something just to pamper her. I'd like to take something with me to the birth.


I'd love all input, but am particularly interested if you Mamas of large families would give me some ideas.



Thanks in advance!

I'm signing off soon and will pop back in later or tomorrow.


What a great friend you are! :001_smile:


Well, something to take to the birth. Hmmm. Either for her, or for the baby boy. As a gift.


I can't think of anything.




I mean, she's set on clothes by now I'm sure, and you said you're loading her up on diapers (which is great, btw). What else can you do?


I'm thinking....


I can feel that you are wishing for that *perfect gift. I get that feeling sometimes, too. :D


The pp suggested freezer meals, which we all know would be fantastic. But that's not, you know, sentimental or anything.


Is there one thing that she REALLY could use for her house/children/kitchen etc. that would make her life soooooo much easier, but she just can't or won't spend the money on it?


Like, for me, I would've LOVED if I had a friend that got me a sling. But, no one did, and I didn't think I could justify the cost. I mean, I know they're not THAT expensive, but I already had a carrier, and a stroller, and yada yada. And *almost everyone I know IRL would not even know what I was talking about if I said I wanted a sling anyway, LOL. Maybe there's something like that in your friend's life that she really would like to have, but feels, I dunno, like people might think she doesn't need it? Maybe that doesn't make sense. :D


You know what I'd do? I'd just ask her. I mean, you're obviously VERY close friends if you're going to be at the birth. So just tell her 'Friend, you're so special to me, and I want to help you celebrate the new baby. Tell me, what can I get you, or do for you, that would make your life easier with the little guy?' I mean, it can't hurt to ask. :001_smile:

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Should have mentioned that meals are already covered by church and our other wonderful homeschooling friends. Food is NOT my forte. Just ask my kids and my hubby. Working on it though.


Love the cleaning ideas and spa ideas. I could do up a little gift cert. booklet that she can redeem at will. Love it.


Keep 'em coming. There are more givers with whom I can share your brilliant ideas.


(Oh, I appreciate your kind remarks about being a good friend...but this gal is my inspiration. Goodness in flesh and blood. I'm lucky to have her in my life.)

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A sling would be wonderful. I am about to have #3 and that is something I didn't have with the first 2.... Oh, i really hope I can get one this time. With homeschooling, I think it will be absolutely the best gift ever!


Diapers & wipes are great & will be used. The SLING is beyond great! It would be awesome!!!!!

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This isn't something you could take to the birth, but (25 years ago) a friend (barely an acquaintance, actually) came to my house one morning shortly after my fourth daughter's birth. She cleaned my kitchen, made a nice lunch for my girls (and me), played with my children and then made them a fun snack before she left. It was wonderful. I'll never forget it.


Susie in SWVA

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