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Any examples of a delayed vax schedule online?

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With all this talk of vaccinations, I'm curious to see what a suggested delayed schedule would look like.


I have seen the recommended *regular* schedule and the idea of getting all those at one time is kind of scary to me. If we decide to vaccinate, I know for sure we won't follow that schedule.


My older two are current (well my 5 yr old isn't getting his boosters but has had all the infant vaccinations) but my younger two aren't. My 3 yr old only received his 2 month vaccinations. My youngest hasn't had any. My situation is different from most who haven't had their kids vaxed. My favorite aunt was a nurse who handled all of the vaccinations for my older two boys. She was wonderful...loved on my kids when they cried, loved on me when I cried because of their crying, was gentle and kind.... She was diagnosed with cancer when I was pregnant with my three yr old and stopped working shortly before he was born. I took him in for his 2 month vaccinations with her replacement. It was a horrible, horrible experience. She passed away while I was pregnant with my fourth child.


The time between then and now has given me time to weigh my options but to be honest I'm still kind of on the fence about the whole thing. Everything I have read is either vehemently opposed or for vaccinations. I have yet to read anything that suggests some are more important than others.


My pediatrician asks if we're up to date any time we are there. I reply with a no and she moves on. She is pro-vax, but feels these decisions are best made by the parents.


My husband is just as confused as I am on the subject.


All this to say I would like to see a delayed schedule if one exists online. I have googled but only found simliar requests to mine....no links to any online info. If anyone has their own delayed schedule that they wouldn't mind sharing, that would be helpful too.


Also I've glanced through some of the other threads on this subject. I'm not asking for opinions and whatnot either way. Really I would just like to see a delayed schedule.


Thank you!!

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I LOVE this book. It is exactly what you are looking for. It has a chapter on each vaccine and ranks each based on a number of factors. It also proposes an alternative schedule. http://www.amazon.com/Vaccine-Book-Decision-Parenting-Library/dp/0316017507/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1251756801&sr=8-1


Your library might have it.


He has a blog and a series of faq's at http://www.askdrsears.com/thevaccinebook/

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I just delayed starting any vaccines until 14 months..... I must have signed dozens of disclaimer forms but, my ped said he'd support us up to a year and then want our son to start having them. I was okay with that. By the time we actually started some, a few were unnecessary because he'd passed the age-range.

These books look very helpful..

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