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S/O Time Traveler's Wife

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I'm about to read TTW and don't want to read the thread below in case of spoilers!


I picked it up once and didn't like it after the first few pages so I stopped. I'm about to give it another whirl before seeing the movie.


Can anyone give me an opinion of it's worth it to read, maybe a small synopsis of the opinions in the thread below but w/out spoilers? Thanks!

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Here's my .02.


It's very emotionally wrenching and was hard for me to read because of it, but I loved it. It also made me think (hard!) because of all the time looping and connections, and because of the ethics of many of the decisions made. The s*x and language didn't bother me, but several in the other thread thought it was more than necessary. Henry may or may not be a likable guy, depending on your viewpoint. I thought he was a guy with issues doing the best he could, and anyway, it's a book, so it's a slice of someone else's life, perfect or not.


MommaDuck read it in near record time and really liked it, so if you generally concur with her, that bodes well :D


I recommend it!

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I hardly ever read. But I wanted to read more. I picked it up b/c I wanted to read it before the movie came out this summer. I LOVED it. A lot. So much so that I don't want to see the movie because I don't want it to ruin what I've imagined it to be. I highly recommend it.

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Here's my .02.


It's very emotionally wrenching and was hard for me to read because of it, but I loved it. It also made me think (hard!) because of all the time looping and connections, and because of the ethics of many of the decisions made. The s*x and language didn't bother me, but several in the other thread thought it was more than necessary. Henry may or may not be a likable guy, depending on your viewpoint. I thought he was a guy with issues doing the best he could, and anyway, it's a book, so it's a slice of someone else's life, perfect or not.


MommaDuck read it in near record time and really liked it, so if you generally concur with her, that bodes well :D


I recommend it!


I really liked it on one hand, or wanted to like it. The sex is graphic, referred to in lewd terms, is often...and there is sleeping around, etc. Simple references, given the role sex plays for Henry, would have been enough. I have a personal distaste for the language.


Beyond that, I did like the plot, the character development, and the time flipping. I liked how the romance blossomed and the various protective roles that Henry played in Clare's past. I wanted to beat the garbage out of Gomez toward the end.


If you are super conservative in your reading material, then this is not a book for you. If you are open to reading from the context of the plot and willing to follow the characters through, then you will be fine. The author is an excellent story teller.

Edited by mommaduck
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This book is definitely less conservative than what I am used to, but I really loved it. The way she crafted the story with all of the different time periods, and how it jumps around so much but yet is still woven into a cohesive story that is continually moving forward, is amazing and very unique. She writes in the first person present tense, and I think this is the first book I have read with this kind of narrative. It is a little off-putting at first, but I got used to it and I think it gave the story a kind of urgency that it otherwise wouldn't have had.


It is a sad book, and it's not perfect, but I think it is definitely worth reading!!

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It was a book that I really, really wanted to like. The idea (time-travel) was intriguing & parts of it were well-done.


But, overall, I didn't especially care for the book that much (though I did finish reading it & did cry in parts). It was ok, but is not on a list of books I would recommend. I don't have much interest in seeing the movie either.

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