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Drawing with children or Draw Right Now? Which one?


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Should I just ditch them both before I get overwhlemed?


You mean the third grader and the kindergartner? Tempting, isn't it... ;)


Drawing With Children will require a lot of *you* as the teacher. It's a great program, but if you're feeling overwhelmed, it may not be the right one for now.


Draw Write Now is very simple to use. My kids have enjoyed using the books off and on for years now (though we skip the writing -- I think the sentences they provide are insipid). Especially when they were younger, it gave them a huge kick for me to sit and do the same drawing alongside them, but they'll also practice on their own. The results won't be as impressive as with someone who really *did* Drawing With Children -- but sometimes the choice is between not doing anything at all and doing *something*. DWN is a fun *something*, and yes, I think it has some benefits for kids.

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I have not seen Drawing with Children but I have seen Draw Write Now and am hoping to buy it for my son who is 5. I like the looks of it and he is starting to get interested in drawing. Right now I am using Draw and Write thru History with my 9 year old and she is enjoying it. It's two birds with one stone. You get handwriting and art at the same time:)

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Drawing with Children is a more formal drawing program, whereas Draw Write Now can be incorporated into your current studies. For example, we are using Winterpromise's Animals program, and we are using several of the DWN books to supplement their study of each habitat. I attempted DWC when I used MFW 1, but couldn't stick with it. Of course, I am able to accomplish a lot more now anyway by using workboxes--but that's for another thread!

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I have had Drawing with Children in my closet for a couple years!!:D I really, really want to use it but it's so hard to fit it into our day and for me to do all the planning. Draw Write Now are great books and will be easy for you to use and the kids will probably like them. I use them just to give to my son on his own time.


But, if you want your children to learn some techniques about drawing and even painting and coloring that I recommend I Can Do All Things from the How Great Thou Art website. They have a DVD curriculum. You will need a book and set of paint cards for each of your kids because that is where they work from. So it can be a bit pricey. But it should last a few years.


I set my son up on a tv tray with his book and pencils or colors or whatever media we are using. We push play for the lesson and the guy instructs on the lesson and than my son does the lesson in the workbook. I still observe and maybe give a comment or something but I feel so relieved because I don't have to come up with a lesson and do it myself and try to explain it to him. I may repeat what the instructor said on the DVD. It does not require alot of supplies, you can either buy their kit or get them yourself. I am really glad we have this.



Edited by Nancy Ann
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DWN is something that we will always keep-it will be fun with the grandchildren. :D When I babysit preschoolers, I bring it out and let them draw from those books with little to no instruction.


DWC is more prep heavy; you have to copy the exercises out of the book and redo them and reinforce the names that she gives to the shapes, but it is a very good spring board for other programs.


We have used both programs and I will keep both; but this year, we are adding Atelier with the 12 year old that is an artist.

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We're using DWN and like it, but I'm getting tracing paper for ds4, who finds it tough to follow the pictures. He's a perfectionist and gets mad when his drawing doesn't look JUST LIKE the one in the book. My goal is improving fine motor control while he has fun, so tracing is great for him, especially since he LOVES art.

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After the morning that we had I am thinking about ditching the 3rd grader and the K. But we live in a small town and they always manage to find their way back home! :)


I am going to go with DWN for this year, I think. If DWC is as much work as it looks to be, then I want them to be able to get aas much out of it as possible.

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