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Natural women -- looking for herbal rec

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Have any of you natural women used vitex to help balance hormonal issues? I'd appreciate any feedback on how that worked for you.


FYI: I'm thinking about coming off of the BC, which I started primarily to treat acne. I'm 40, so not yet hitting menopause. I know that the pill is not helping with a blood pressure issue, and I want to transition to herbal solutions, but my vanity won't let me go back to being horrid zit-face again.


TIA! :001_smile:

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it depends on which hormonal issues are triggering the acne....if it's an androgen issue......spironolactone is an excellent drug......saw palmetto and/or spearmint are good herbal solutions.


otherwise, neptune krill oil can be helpful but it's incredibly expensive and can make some oilier. I used to get 1-3 premenstrual pimples every month on my chin or forhead......when I started taking NKO for unrelated reasons, my acne suddenly went away.....I researched it and found out it was the NKO.


If your acne is more chin/jaw centralized, then it's probably and androgen issue....




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I used vitex, along with diet and some other herbs/supplements, to try and balance out my hormones/cycles from PCO. Not sure if it was just the vitex or some combo of things, but it worked faster than 3 yrs of big-guns fertility treatments!


Vitex, from what I understand, works to balance the pituitary, which is especially important coming off the pill, because that effectively shuts it down by regulating your hormones artificially.

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