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My 1st grader is hard to place in spelling-is copywork and beginning dictation enough


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I am having trouble placing my dd (6) in spelling. She really doesn't have a good fit in any program and we can't afford to buy a new all-in-one program. I'm thinking I would just do copywork and the very beginnings of dictation (starting with one simple sentence). Do you think this is enough? She writes pages of stories on her own so I feel like I do need to address this. She read early and easily so we ended up skipping phonics so I took comfort in going to spelling so that we could address any issues this way. Now with taking spelling out too, I'm a little unsure if just copywork and dictation is a good idea. What do you think?


Here is a sample of her writing (no editing on my part-she did ask for help with this word: blossom)


They camped under an apple blossom tree and eat apples that night. The next day they got up early and headed torward the battle felid and put on their amor. When suddenly a little mouse came out of the tree's and said may I join your battle team please said the mouse alright said caspian.


(This is her sequel to Prince Caspian...:001_smile:)


I can't figure her spelling level out...so maybe just copywork and dictation...is that enough...any other helpful advice-please!

Edited by Kfamily
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My daughter is doing well in spelling, I just use words that she misspells and teach her the rule for those.


The rules are in this paragraph on my how to tutor page:


Your number one task is to get them to stop guessing and start sounding out each and every word from left to right. Nonsense words are key, they help prevent guessing. Here is a free website that generates nonsense words. Syllables are also helpful, I would use the Blend Phonics Reader (it helps show how guessing is a bad strategy by showing words with similar configuration together) followed by Webster’s Speller. Here is a step by step guide to using Blend Phonics that also adds in syllables, spelling and phonics rules, syllable division rules, and syllable division exercises. There are also readings from Hebrews 12 that can be added to show progress through the program.


The only rules not covered are suffix rules, they are in my phonics lesson 22. I also have a link to a good page that has them in written form, but not on this computer.


You could also use this to teach her all the rules and do a quick review of the phonics--just do a few words from each Blend Phonics unit, it shouldn't take long at all and you'll make sure you have it all covered.

Edited by ElizabethB
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