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kids magazines

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I've always loved the Cricket group of magazines for kids:




My DD had a subscription to Ladybug when she was 4 and 5, and she loved it. She'll be getting a sub to one from the next level soon, but I can't decide which! You should be able to check out most of them at your library to help you decide.


Whatever you do, stay away from National Geographic Kids. The format is blinding and confusing, and it's loaded with ads. It has no depth whatsoever.


I actually have a sub to the real National Geographic that I share with my DD6 (almost 7). We read some of the articles together, and she loves looking at the pictures (I scan the mag for general appropriateness first). Of course, our worldview leans the way NG's does, so that may not work for you.


I bet if you search here on the terms "cricket" or "babybug" or "cobblestone" you'll come up with a few magazine threads. I know we've discussed it here before, but I haven't paid much attention because we've been happy with what we had. Your library would probably also be a good place to look through other available options and get a sense of what's out there.



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Anything from the "Cricket" grouping -- "Faces", "Cobblestone", "Appleseed", "Cricket", etc. The only one that we ever tried, and did not care for, was whatever they call the magazine which is intended for "post-Cricket" readers (I think it's for age 14 or 15 on up.) Nobody enjoyed that magazine. All other titles are wonderful choices ! They will be read and reread again.

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When the girl gets a little bit older (8+) New Moon magazine is good.


It's advertisement free and the articles, stories, poems, book reviews etc are written by other girls that age range.


My brother really enjoyed Ranger Rick, but I know a pp said it didn't do well in her house.


Is there a Borders or Barnes and Nobles nearby where you can take the kids to look at the magazines before you subscribe?

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