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Do I blame this activity for making dd sick?

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My 16yo dd recently started performing in musical theater. They had a show in June, and just complete another one last weekend.


Both times, she ended up very sick. As in, she was completely useless and couldn't leave the house for a few days after the show ended. We thought she was getting better yesterday, but this morning she is crying and saying she aches all over. I don't think these could be aches & pains from the physical exertion because that should have showed up sooner...so I have no idea what's wrong with her today. Sigh.


The next show isn't until January...but we have to sign up soon for auditions (and payment). What do I do? If I *know* she will get sick, I don't want her to do it. I don't even know why this would be too much for her. She is in good physical condition - she used to do ballet and/or Irish dance up to 5 days/week and never got sick. I wonder if the pace of the rehearsals just gets her exhausted, combined with being with all the other germy students in close quarters.


Any thoughts? What would you do? I'm thinking of giving it one more chance with one more show...


Edited to add that many other students were ill by the time the June show ended...I don't know about this last one. Also, we really tried to minimize other activities during the rehearsal/show times but I guess we could do more.

Edited by OC Mom
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The first few shows my kids did, they got sick. It was having 80-100 kids in the green room, many of whom were slightly sick. After the first few shows, my kids haven't been sick the week following the shows. We do give them Emergen-C during show week and try to have them eat and drink well.

For our laid back family, show week was a nightmare until we got used to it. There are 4-5 hour rehearsals every night during show week and then they do 8-10 shows in a 4 day span. So they are tired...and being in those close quarters with so many kids, they just needed to build up some immunity and some ability to cope with being really tired. And our policy is that if a kid doesn't have a fever and he's not barfing he's expected to be there - that means during winter months we have a lot of kids with mild illnesses- and for the first year my isolated homeschooled kids caught it all.

Good luck...it's hard to decide whether it's an activity that is worth continuing, I'm sure!

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It probably is just the tight quarters, sharing costumes, touching one another and so on that made her sick. Even good stress can wear out the body too, so maybe once she gets used to that she will be better also. Did you try giving her any sort of immune boosters to help stave off illness?


It is not easy making these kinds of decisions.

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I just think it's being around so many people touching so many things. I think come homeschoolers have no immunity built up because some are not around as many people as they normally would be.


I know my boys used to get sick everytime they entered a church nursery or such.

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requiring long term commitment and busy tech weeks. My son joined in with her for the first time this last spring. I find that there is a bit of "let down" after a show--emotionally, physically, whatever. I think it is pretty normal. This might be a partial factor in your daughter becoming ill--after all the build up, the comeraderie among the cast, the show and the nervousness that can come with wondering how it will come off, all of the hard work and then it is suddenly over. Mine are always a bit sad when things end and pretty tired for a couple of days. If there are any germs lurking their body now has "permission" to be sick since they won't be missing the show.

If your daughter decides to be part of the production again, it might help just to let her know that the letdown is normal. I have a couple of friends who are professional actors who experience the very same thing. For my daughter, it has really helped to know that this is a normal part of the process and begin to learn to cope with it. She's planning to major in theater in college.

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