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Anyone here using one of the low-fat plans?

I'm seriously tempted to subscribe, but my family as a whole is *pretty picky*, and the small sample of meals on the website just didn't give me quite enough of a representative menu to decide whether e-mealz would be useful for me.


If you're using one of the low-fat plans, would you mind giving a larger list of meals they've given you?

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Hi Julie,


I use the low-fat Walmart plan. My family is not too picky and overall they like the food. My dh said the food is good, but not so fantastic that we are tempted to overeat. LOL!


Here is the menu plan from this week:


Easiest Chicken Tortilla Casserole - everyone liked it

Christi's Wild Rice Soup - didn't make because I refuse to buy Velveta cheese, we had leftovers instead

Paprika Chicken Saute - making it tonight

Taco Cornbread Bake - everyone liked it

Easy Jambalaya - loved it. Ds ate 3 bowls and DH asked for it again

Mexi-Beef Stew (crockpot)- everyone like it

Smothered Ravioli - everyone like it


I have been using the plan for about 5 months and have made some tweeks: I substitute turkey breast for pork, ground turkey for ground beef. I only use e-mealz for the main entree because I don't agree with their side dishes, (white flour carbs and whimpy veggies). I stock pile whole wheat noodles, couscous, brown rice, whole grain wraps, and instant mashed potatoes and make one of those to go with the main entree. Also my family loves roasted/grilled veggies, kale, sauted spinach, stirfry and broccoli so I make my own veggies sides too.


The strength of E-mealz is that the recipes are so easy. I usually have dinner prepped in less than 20 minutes. Since we have been on the plan I have only ordered take out once or twice. With their plan, it is almost easier to fix a meal than stand in line at a restaurant. I originally planned to use it for 3 months to take a little menu planning break, but loved it so much we renewed.


It has also saved me alot a time. I used to plan our meals on Sat. morning, then inventory the fridge and make up a grocery list. By the time I got home from grocery shopping, (in a very crowded store) it was noon and half my Sat. gone. With e-mealz, I print the list first thing Thurs. morning, grab my ongoing grocery list off the fridge and go work out. On the way home from the health club I stop by Walmart and am usually done grocery shopping by 7:30am. I love having my Sat. morning back. Yeah!

Edited by Ferdie
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I use the weight watchers points any-store menu. I really like it. Very few starchy whites (WW points are based on low-fat, high-fiber foods).


Hi! Thanks for replying. Would you mind listing main dishes that you've made from the plan? I'm trying to decide if it would be really useful even though I'm dealing with a few picky eaters.


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I use the weight watchers points any-store menu. I really like it. Very few starchy whites (WW points are based on low-fat, high-fiber foods).


Thanks for the tip! I didn't know about their WW points plan.


I tried their vegetarian plan last month, but thought the food was lacking so we switched back to Walmart low-fat. I think they only let you switch once every three months so I will try WW next time.



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Can I sneak a question in your thread too? :D


I'm wondering how many of the meals (from any plan) call for being smothered in cheese (or use dairy). Not all of us here can eat dairy, so that cuts out about half the recipes I come across lol


I buy 2 packs of grated cheese a week, so they use alot of cheese. This week there was cheese in the Tortilla Casserole (2 cups), Wild Rice Soup (16oz Velveta), Taco Cornbread Bake (1 cup), and the Smothered Ravioli used cheese filled ravioli.


Savingdinner.com and sixoclockscramble.com also offer meal planning services so you might want to check those out. Also yesterday someone posted about menusformoms.com which I think is menu planning too.


Good luck!

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Wow - thanks for this thread - I'm heading over there to check it out right now!


I used to love, love, LOVE meal planning, but it has lost some (ok, a LOT) of its charm. I guess I could hand the chore off to dd, but haven't done that yet. I'll see what emealz has to offer. . . .


I can't get the page to load, though. Is the link emealz.com?

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I just wanted to add that we've done E-Mealz for about 2 months and I've been very happy with it. Because they number the meals and ingredients, it is VERY easy to skip meals I know we won't eat. Be warned though, the directions for the recipes are often "iffy". I usually just wing it anyway so it isn't a big deal for me.

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