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Skipping Years in a Math Curriculum (TT)


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I have decided to start using Teaching Textbooks and have thoroughly compared their Tables of Contents and there is so much repetition, I really don't see a need to do every year. I am deciding on either 5th, 7th, Alg or 6th, PreA, Alg. I currently have two children doing upper 4th/lower 5th grade math and will be buying the first grade I decide on later this year.


Has anyone else done this? Either with TT or another math curriculum.

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We went from 1/2 of Abeka third right into TT 5- for fourth grade, very smoothly I might add. This year we are going into TT 7 with a supplement, but the verdict is still out as to how the transition will be. I have heard of many people skipping TT 7 after TT 6, so yes, it can be done.

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I have decided to start using Teaching Textbooks and have thoroughly compared their Tables of Contents and there is so much repetition, I really don't see a need to do every year. I am deciding on either 5th, 7th, Alg or 6th, PreA, Alg.


I think TT 7th is meant to be an "extra review" year for kids who aren't ready for Prealgebra, but that most kids can go from 6th into Prealgebra. I would go with 6th/PreA/Alg.



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I would email the company and tell them what curriculum and grade level your children have been doing for math. They will then email you back with a suggestion. I did this b/c my 7yo just finished 3rd grade Abeka and it looked at through he could have started their grade 7 program. But they suggested that I start him on 5th.

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Well, my 11yo went to PS last year and didn't understand some of the math so I'm leaning towards 5th, 7th, Algebra, but am wondering how well the 7th to Algebra transition will go. How necessary is TT Pre-Algebra?


Also, my 6yo is even more precocious in math than my 8yo (other child doing 5th math), so I also like the idea of having 5th to start him on earlier. Obviously not soon. I might just print the Pre-Algebra TOC and compare it to both levels on either side of it.:blush:

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OK, I did print the PreA TOC and compared it to TT7 and Alg1. The first half was from TT7, the second half from Alg1. Literally, only the titles were slightly different, ie 'The Purpose of Algebra'/'What's it for anyway?' or 'Changing Places'/'Switching Around'. Of course, TT7 had extra lessons thrown in and Alg1 combined an easy concept that took 2 lessons in PreA into 1 lesson, but expanded a bit beyond that easy concept in following lessons. I only found combining 4 times though. Virtually all PreA lessons were mirrored from TT7 and Alg1.


PreA did cover more Length, Area, and Volume, but those were covered by both TT5 and TT7 including the Metric System. Also, I did not find three simple Algebraic concepts specifically covered by Alg1: x and 1x, An Exponent of 1, and An Exponent of 0. I'm sure those are obvious, if not stated in Alg1, they just have entire lessons devoted to them in PreA.

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I have choosen not to skip levels and very glad that I made that decision.This past year and half, my DD finished TT5,TT6 and TT7. I had thought about skipping TT7 and am very glad that we didn't. TT7 problems are more difficult than TT6 include factoring fraction and has a geometry unit. I think it would have been to much of a jump from TT5 to TT7. We own Pre-Alg and Alg I . And I think it would be to much of a jump to go from TT7 to Alg. I We are going to start Pre-Alg. this fall. I would rather have a child move quickly through material that came easy and be able to slow down on math strands that are not secure. Plus TT has a great resale valve.


Hope this helps you,


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I think the TT PreAlgebra book is just terrific!! It's a general overview of all basic math. Everything's covered. From addition / subtraction, through fractions, decimals, and then an introduction to basic algebra principles.


I wouldn't skip PreAlgebra!


If you're going to do any skipping, have it be in the earlier texts, i.e., TT Math 5, 6 or 7.


I would do every book from PreAlgebra through Precalculus.

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I'm strongly considering starting my DD in TT4 after she finishes Right Start C (which is a 2nd grade book). She's an advanced student and I had her take the TT4 placement test. The only thing she couldn't do were the multiplication problems because she hasn't yet memorized her times tables. And the times tables are the only major concept we have left in RS C.


I may further consider skipping TT5 and just go slowly through TT6 but that's not something I really need to worry about now.

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