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How do you stay balanced?

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In an ideal day, I would


Homeschool 8am - about 3pm.

Pray for at least an hour.

Study and read, write letters.

Cook and clean.



I do not watch t.v. (unless I'm depressed and seeking to escape this cold cruel world;)). I have given up the phone since it usually leads to gossip.


When I started homeschooling 2 years ago, I swore I would not become a frumpy homeschool mom (i.e. the cliche.)


Here I am, 20 lbs. heavier, ragged clothes (due to the economy + not working), no time to do my hair and makeup. I'm feeling very uncomfortable in my own skin.

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The way I keep myself sane (balanced?), is to get up at 6:00 every morning. I have my quiet time, read/study for about 1 1/2 hours. Then I get dressed, which usually takes me about 20 minutes including make-up (I don't wear much). I take a bath at night so I skip it in the mornings. I get the kids up at 7:30. They straighten up their rooms, make their bed, and come down/up stairs for breakfast (they do this while I am dressing - they are older, which helps). After they eat and brush their teeth they do their chores. That only takes about 15 minutes because we make sure we have everything straightened up before we go to bed. We start school at 8:30 and don't do ANYTHING else until school is done.


If I get up late for some reason, it throws my whole day off. That is just how I do it. I think everyone has to find a routine that works for them - that DOES include personal time.

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I can't claim to be completely 'balanced'. :)


What I do that helps me though is to get up an hour before the kids (about 6:30) and tidy the house and take care of the pets (food, potty breaks etc). Then I look at our schedule for the day (already planned out in advance) and get the supplies and books out. Then I get the kids up and they tidy their rooms and we do our together stuff and then break for breakfast. After breakfast I give a 'work alone' assignments and I get a bath or shower. Getting showered and dressed and knowing the house is tidy and the homework is getting done makes me feel really good. I try to limit phone calls to only dh or college son during school time. TV doesn't come on during school unless we are viewing school content material.


One of the things that has worked best for us is that I schedule the work for a year and therefore each school day has a finite amount of work for that day. We have never scheduled by hours-only by assigned work. They learn to manage their own time that way and it discourages dawdling.


Another thing I did that has helped me maintain balance is to limit our outside activities. I used to think I had to do a coop or this or that. Now I am very judicious about what I will sign up for and how our down time is spent. Hope this helps! :)

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To stay balanced I do whatever, and I mean whatever, I need to do to take care of myself, so that I can be happy and healthy for my kids.

What that looks like is :


I get up at least an hour earlier than everyone else for meditation

I take a walk with my dh or alone most mornings while the kids get ready for school or start their maths

I make myself available 100% for them until a little after lunchtime. Then I take 1-2 hours for myself in my room, reading and napping.

The afternoons the kids finish any work they need to finish, independently, and entertain themselves (play on the street, play with Photoshop), while I do any chores- housework, shopping, errands. Also anything creative like sewing. Its a good several hours to do what I choose, although 2 days there are music lessons to drive to.

Evenings I am often taking the kids places but dh works evenings so other than being available for driving the kids, I have time to blob out and play on the computer. When the kids come home, or evenings we are all home, we watch one or two episodes of a TV series.

I go to bed by 9.30, lights out by 10pm.


I also have my own interests- natural health/medicine, sewing, friends, playing music, reading. I go to a yoga class once a week where I meet a friend and we chat afterwards. I take off a week a year to do a retreat. I also have a cooking job two days a week, but its from home so I just fit it in.

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The general consensus seems to be to get up at 6:00 a.m. So I did that today, and I survived! (Not a morning person.) As recommended by MamaT- I had showered and blown out my hair last night (tricky to sleep on, 'cause I have thin, oily hair). Had coffee and prayed, woke my daughter (son out of town) and went to 8 a.m. Mass.


I still wish I had more time to study and write.


Thanks everyone...anymore ideas?

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