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Pre-K and K secular curriculum


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Hi! I have a friend who is interested in home schooling her 4 yr olds and is looking at curriculum that would teach her twins to read before they go to ps. I have only ever used Bible based curriculum so it puts me in a bit of a quandary. I have used Abeka and MFW for teaching read with some RS. So, can you help me?


I think we might need a curriculum that teaches her how to teach with step by step instructions and would love it to be hands-on.


Oh wise, WTM'ers, can you help me?

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I think I am going to purchase the Timberdoodle Pre-K kit


Some others that I have looked at:


Moving Beyond the Page (It's Peak With Books, plus a guide)




Sing Spell Read and Write PreK:





And there is always Letter of the Week which is FREE (just have to get books or check out from library) and very easy to follow:



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Guest Cindie2dds
Hi! I have a friend who is interested in home schooling her 4 yr olds and is looking at curriculum that would teach her twins to read before they go to ps. I have only ever used Bible based curriculum so it puts me in a bit of a quandary. I have used Abeka and MFW for teaching read with some RS. So, can you help me?


I think we might need a curriculum that teaches her how to teach with step by step instructions and would love it to be hands-on.


Oh wise, WTM'ers, can you help me?


I have several friends who either aren't Christian or don't want the Bible throughout their curriculum. Most recommend and really enjoy Oak Meadow.




I like their art.



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