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For those who use Apologia for science...


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I am doing 1st and Kindergarten this year. I was thinking about using Apologia. I notice that their books are on certain parts of things like zoology, astronomy, botany etc. Do you just choose one per year or do you supplement with other science things as well? Like if I got the science experiments from usborne or something....

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So if I chose to do the astronomy one for example, that would be all she would learn about that year?


Yes, unless you wanted to cram another book into the year, but that'd be an awful lot for kids that age.


Or is there a total science book that touches on many areas?


There are, but not by Apologia. They are single-topic books.

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We loved our Apologia Astronomy Science this past year! Every couple of weeks, when we would get done with another chapter, I say to myself how much I love the immersion method...I can't say enough about it. In fact, my last blog entry shows one of our last experiements! You will enjoy it!

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I bought Apologia for my oldest a couple of years ago in 6th grade and we both thought it was boring so I sent it back. If you have never seen one of the Apologia books you may want to look over someone else's before buying. Apologia is very expensive.


For Science with my 2nd grader this year we are using Steck-Vaughn Focus on Science and Mc-Graw Hill Science for 2nd grader (hardcover). The Steck-Vaughn book is very thin and she will likely finish that by December. It's also kind of boring, black & white pictures. But the book includes units on Life Science, Earth Science and Physical Science. The Mc-Graw Hill book is very similar to Apologia but it is not religious based of course. It does include tons of colorful pictures, big lettering for young children and lots of experiments that are age-appropriate.

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I recommend looking before buying to see if that is what you really want to do. I was so excited about starting homeschooling and was for sure going to use Apologia and bought them all. Zoo1 didn't pan out well, our experiments didn't work. My daughter didn't want to do Astromany because she did that with other books and Magic School bus book already. I have them on the shelf and I will get them out to just look at or read a section but that's it. Doing one book for the whole school year also didn't appeal to my husband. Trying to do 2 would push it.

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Guest Barb B

I like the apologia books and my rising 1st grader loves animals so it is a great fit. We are also doing a bob jones science book to get some other topics in. It would depend on your student really. My ds loves science and is a great reader, so it is not too much to add another science book. When you look at these books and divide the number of pages by the number of school days - you see it is really not that much work per day. But each is different. Another thing I was thinking of doing instead was to use the apologian book and add one day per week doing experinents from an usborne type experiment book then adding smaller books to read as he is interested in (we have lots of science books - not text books - around here).


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We enjoy the Apologia books and just get library books on the same topic to enjoy. At the age of your dc, I would not start with Astronomy. IMO, the animal series are better suited for that age. It's a more tangible topic and most kids love animals. It'll encourage a love of science.


Our experiments always worked:001_huh:


I find these books to be a great, gentle and encouraging way to begin science in Elem. years, and I did find it necessary to read aloud more to them on each topic, then have them narrate (if you choose) to increase retention.


I also find, it never mattered what I did in those early years, they will remember a very small portion of study beyond math and reading.

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There are sample chapters on the Apologia website that you could check out. We've enjoyed the immersion method here, but I know everyone is different.


Apologia is not expensive, however. You can usually find a brand new copy for around $25, depending on where you buy it. Used is even cheaper, of course.


I wouldn't recommend Zoology 2 for your kids at this point. We are finishing it up right now, and it's over MY kids' heads at times.

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Hmmm...my kiddos are the same age as the op. I thought for certain I was doing Apologia, but when I read through some of the online samples I thought some of the stuff would go completely over their head. I was wondering about buying a couple of the books and then switching it up every couple of months so that we get a little taste of Astronomy, Zoology, etc and then returning to them later. I would love to know more about the experiments though. Anyone have examples?


OH! I know that Christian Book Distributors has these on sale right now $24.50 each new (the Zoology 1, 2, 3 Astronomy, and Botany)! The others are on sale too -- 30% off.

Edited by Earth Angel_79
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We do one book per grade. I buy the text, kits, and lesson plans to go with. That said, I think it would be overkill for the ages you have. JMHO. You would be reading the whole book aloud, the science kits to go with are expensive, and they will not remember most of it anyway. I'd look for something else. Sorry to be a bummer!

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The astronomy book is good for the younger kids. It's technical (which makes it suitable for older kids too), but not AS technical as the Zoology 2 book that we're using right now. We used it when my kids were younger, and they loved it. Some of the experiments were really fun. Even our mailman was impressed. LOLOLOL

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So basically apologia is good but wait a few years until the kids are a bit older. I will have to go look at the science section in TWTM, I don't think I have actually read it. Is there any other science books that are better suited for their ages?


Thank you all so far:)

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So basically apologia is good but wait a few years until the kids are a bit older. I will have to go look at the science section in TWTM, I don't think I have actually read it. Is there any other science books that are better suited for their ages?


Thank you all so far:)


Have you looked at REAL Science Odyssey by Pandia Press? Here is a link to their Try It Before You Buy It page. I think the Life Science book would be a good match for your dc's ages.

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So basically apologia is good but wait a few years until the kids are a bit older. I will have to go look at the science section in TWTM, I don't think I have actually read it. Is there any other science books that are better suited for their ages?


Thank you all so far:)

I disagree. My ds, grade 1 (last year) loved the book. He would even just flip through Zoo 3 and enjoy the pictures b4 he was reading well. Coupled with other living books, he loved Sci and asked for more and more....animals are amazing at his age!


My opinion for both sci. and hist. at this level is read, read, read (aloud) and listen to books on tape....15 min. spurts.

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I haven't read the other responses, but we used one book a year, for only a semester. Then I did units on other things I thought were important ~ atoms, molecules, simple machines, biology, etc ~ for the other semester, just to keep our science a little broader.


But as far as using that book only? I always supplemented with worksheets, from Parent Teacher Store, or where ever and always adding experiments if appropriate. But, that works for us. I like the best of both worlds. But, honestly, I think adding more projects was a time consumer for us. But, adding some actual worksheets was easy (labeling, etc). But, that's just my style.

Edited by debbiec
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We were going to do Zoo 1 last year (1st grade for dd) but I felt like she'd get more out of it if we waited a year. Instead, we did the library curriculum (you know, whatever random books she checked out that week). We probably read more science than we would have had we actually used a science curriculum and it was very interest (hers not mine ;) ) driven and fun. We'll try Zoo 1 this year.


My friend (who is a very organized super-mom, unlike me) does an Apologia book the first semester (and says it can easily be done in one semester) and then does a "normal" science book (I think Bob Jones) for the second semester. That way she feels like they touched all of the science for that particular grade but also got to enjoy delving into whatever the Apologia subject was.

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