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What do you put in your planner?


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This is all in a 3-ring binder (in no particular order):


* state required paperwork

* curriculum plan for the year, term-by-term

* weekly schedule

* daily schedule

* some donna young resources, i.e. calendar, field trip form, extra-curricular activity form

* zipper case for pens, highlighters, post-its, pencils, erasers

* receipts of curriculum purchases

* draft history scope and sequence

* nature study notebook forms (Outdoor Hour Challenge)



I hope to find a science notebook form, too.




Update: I added a blog entry complete with hyperlinks for many of the forms I use.

Edited by Aletheia Academy
see blog for detailed info
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I have waaaay too much in my planner--especially for someone who does not have to keep any records for legal purposes!


I'm re-doing mine and I'm quite excited about it.


Section I.

A Page about Our Family, contact name and address.


List of curriculuum to be used per child (based on the Donna Young form)


Goals for each child for the school year.


School Calendar (Year at a Glance type thing) from Donna Young, with our weeks off highlighted. Semester goals


Daily schedule (spread out over a week)


A copy of the calendar for that month and on the facing page a list of books to read, field trips and general notes.


Then, and I'm just working on this now, a section to record every week what we're doing on two facing pages. My schedules have usually taken up three pages for one week. (Subjects together, subjects for each child.) I hae the flipping, so I'm hoping this new format will work.


Loose uncategorized worksheets I've no where else to put.


Section II.


Lists of readings for Cdn. History.

Lists of books on a spreadsheet which supplement our SoTW history reading. (CHoW, Kingfisher, Famous Men, Synge, etc.)

Time line figures correlated with SoTW chapters

Timeling figures from Homeschool in the woods printed onto paper, to be cut out and put into the timeline book



Section III.

Dictation and Copywork


Section IV

Lists of books for the kids at reading level.


Section V

Spreadsheets for the kid's Classical Writing. and other writing materials


Section VI

Math sheets


Section VII

Spelling diagnostics from SWR.


Section VIII

Paper. Pre-printed dotted paper (from Donna Young) and other stationary.


I'll be revamping this and putting some of the lesser used stuff in a duotang and let it sit on the shelf. I just need the essentials in here.


I'd like to add another section that deals with household stuff like what's for dinner and housekeeping, but we'll see. I have my Motivated Mom's housekeeping schedule already in another binder and my menu plan on the fridge, so that may be fine as it is.

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I just redid mine and am happier with my smaller planner. I used a lot of forms from Donnayoung.org.


Front pocket:


List of field trip ideas

Subject planning sheet for each subject


On the prongs:


Attendance calendars

Homeschool Yearly Schedule from Highland Heritage (I keep track of our units here)


Back folder:


Weekly scheduling sheets that I fill out on Thursdays after we complete our work for the week.


Before I had a huge binder where I made weekly plans for the year and constantly changed them as I got great new ideas, we got ahead or behind or I was just bored. Now I have a small folder that has everything I need. I also have quite a few entries on my blog about organization and scheduling.:001_smile:

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Here is the link.


I also keep a list of books read and field trips taken but won't add that until the end of the year.


This is so personal; my needs change from year to year!


Blessings on finding or making the perfect organizer for YOU.

Edited by Tami
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