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HELP! I don't know what I am doing: Kittens

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When you put them in the litter boxes, use their front paws to help them dig and show them what to do. This will help their digging/covering instinct kick in so they'll cover it all up. You might have to take them back and forth to the litter box plenty of times over the first few days to make sure they're using the right spot. It's kinda like potty-training a kid, actually, except a lot faster!

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It usually helps to have them in one room -- when they feel brave or have adjusted to your home (it is quick) they will roam but come back to home base for food & litterbox. BTW, put the litterbox some distance away from the food -- cats are picky about eating near it. Have fun!

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No milk b/c can give them awful upset tummies. Just water and food. But smallest dry morsels available. Most kitten foods are tiny and should be fine.


Get a spray bottle and fill with water. As they begin to explore, they will also begin to swing, scratch & sharpen their claws. A little squirt of water will stop them and not hurt them. They just find something else to do.


They love to play. Feather on a string.... boxes are always fascinating... and paper bags... .the old ball of yarn (except secure the end piece & they won't get too tangled etc).


Yeah, easier to potty train than a kid. hehe. And easier to condition to the house than a puppy also!

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I once trained two kitties to scratch on the scratch post alone with treats! Saved my furniture and legs...yeah! I'd put their paws on the scratch post and make a scratching motion, then praise them and give them a treat. After about a week of this, my cats would only use the post and would look about for a treat when they scratched on it. Worked great!


Congrats and have fun!

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What little tiny babies!!! I bet they are so cute, and I'm sure they DO miss their mama. Poor little things. At least they have each other; that really does help. Make up somewhere warm and comfy for them to sleep near you. Depending on their personalities, confining them to a room might be good, but if they are outgoing by nature, you might not need to do that for longer than a day or so. It can help teach them where their litter and food are. They probably already know how to use the litter box, but they are tiny (younger than most when separated from mom), so they may have accidents.


Some canned kitten food and/ or that kitten replacement milk might be nice for them for a couple weeks, but leave dry kitten food out for them all the time. Use shallow bowls for them.

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