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woman stuff question (probable TMI)

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Please don't laugh. I have been pregnant or nursing for 13 years now. I just don't remember how it works.


I haven't had my cycle since giving birth (my baby is 11mo). For the past 48 hours I have had horrible cramping. I feel like I'm in labor. My uterus hurts. :001_huh:


My question is, how long do you cramp before you see spotting? I have had nothing to show for all this cramping. I keep thinking I'm getting my period, but nada. Do you usually cramp for a while before...you know?


Sorry to be personal.



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Yup, for me it is normal to cramp two days before my period. Also, I went almost 5 years without having a regular monthly period, between pregnancy and nursing. Those first 3 or 4 months when I finally got it were very bad. I had never had cramps like that. Then when I was just about to go to a doctor, the cramping lessened and went back to normal. Now my periods are normal with normal cramping. HTH

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I have always cramped off and on for days before starting my first cycle after a baby. I always felt like my body was a war with itself!


However, if the pain is unbearable, I would wonder about a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. If you get a fever, the pain is unbearable, or you start bleeding and it is severe, call your Dr.




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After one of my pregnancies, I had cramping and never anything to show for it, then a period a month or two later.


I used to never have cramping when I was younger (also before food allergies.)


Now, depending on what I have been eating and how much I've been exercising, I have cramping some months, usually a day or two before and then the first day.

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