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I am searching for timers to purchase for my kids (5th & 6th gr.) to keep them on track with their school assignments. Without timers, their subjects have a tendency to drag on F-O-R-E-V-E-R. :toetap05: Sometimes I think it is intentional so they run out of hours in the day before we can get to every subject. They think they are soooo smart! lol


My intention for the timers will be that any work left incomplete when the timer goes off becomes homework for them to complete after our school hours are over. That way, I am not held hostage while they waste the day away. If you use your timers in other ways, please share. I am always open to suggestions.


I would like for the timers to be silent -- no annoying ticking in the background while they try to work. I think that would drive all of us insane. A few beeps when time is up will be fine. I know I have seen some timers in the past that have the option of flashing lights instead of beeping.


If you have a timer that meets these specifications, please respond with the brand, model # (if you have it), and any other info you would like to share about it.


Thanks for helping me maintain my sanity this school year! :grouphug:

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They have small timers that are hanging up with the kitchen items that do everything you say. We have bought several for different things. I "think" they beep 1 min. before it goes off , but other than that are silent. You can set them for up to 1 hour. They can sit up (they are about the size of a business card) or they have a magnet on the back and you can stick them on the refrigerator.

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I got one at Walmart last week in the school supplies section. The brand is Accu-Rite. So far I'm very happy with it.


How does the Accu-Rite timer from the school supply section differ from kitchen timers? Does it have lights or anything else unique to set it apart? How much did it cost?

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I found some interesting options at Amazon. What are your thoughts on these?


Polder Traffic Light Kitchen Timer http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000KA4UYC/ref=ord_cart_shr?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance


American Innovative Klip Kitchen Timer http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B001AMOJOA/ref=ord_cart_shr?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance


Pinzon Electronic Clock Timer http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B001CDWTG2/ref=ord_cart_shr?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance


The last two have lanyards so the kids can wear them around their necks when they are on the move. All of these timers are part of the 4-for-3 promotion, which could help on the cost a little.

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here's a vote for the visual timer. it's recommended by OT's for kids specifically b/c it doesn't tick and it doesn't DING at the end.

we LOVE ours ... and have had it for 4 years. it has long been used for everything prior to homeschooling and now it's a natural part of our homeschooling day. one little AA battery in the back.


of course you can ebay and google for cheaper prices, no doubt. :)


these are my latest tactics for dawdling and or just spacing out/being easily distractable:

-"here's the time we're going to spend on this. when the time is up, if you have extra time, it's all yours for free time until we start our next subject."

-"here's the time you have to finish this. i'm going to be working with sibling over here. whatever you don't finish needs to be put in your bag and finished during your afternoon free time."

-"here's how much time you need to spend being quiet while i work with brother over here. until the red goes away, i need you to keep your questions and requests to yourself. work on your puzzle for these next 10 minutes" {or please play with your kitchen set quietly for ....}

-we're only going to get to do this fun thing for this amount of time b/c then we need to get ready to leave to go ____. do you see that the amount of time we have? {this really helps with the "i don't want to stops."}

-i'm going to put 5 min on the clock. let's see how much of the dishwasher you can get unloaded during those 5 min while i see how much laundry i can get folded. {you get my drift ... it's a beat the clock type of approach]


really and truly, i love our timer. it has really helped both our routine-oriented kid and our "i don't understand how to stay out of everyone's business b.c i'm an extrovert" kid. :) we're on opposite ends of the spectrum.


perhaps that was more than you wanted. if so, just smile and nod :) i tend to be the one that states the obvious and the pedantic ... obviously it's because i tend to MISS the obvious and the pedantic b/c i've got my head in the clouds. timers are good for me, too! :)


i say kudos to you for helping your kids be accountable for their time and respectful of yours. :) best of luck! HTH

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I wonder what batteries the Innovative one uses.




I found some interesting options at Amazon. What are your thoughts on these?


Polder Traffic Light Kitchen Timer http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000KA4UYC/ref=ord_cart_shr?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance


American Innovative Klip Kitchen Timer http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B001AMOJOA/ref=ord_cart_shr?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance


Pinzon Electronic Clock Timer http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B001CDWTG2/ref=ord_cart_shr?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&v=glance


The last two have lanyards so the kids can wear them around their necks when they are on the move. All of these timers are part of the 4-for-3 promotion, which could help on the cost a little.

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I wonder what batteries the Innovative one uses.


The Innovative timer uses those small round watch batteries. After doing a little more research last night, I discovered that the Innovative timer is not good quality. Another website had numerous reviews and the majority of them were very bad. PLEASE DO NOT BUY IT!

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Our timers are the Sunbeam Kitchen Timer that I purchased about 3 years ago at Wal-Mart. They cost about $4 each and, if set for more than 20 minutes, give a beep at 10 minutes and at 5 minutes before giving several at 0 minutes.


I purchased one for each child and one for myself.


We use them for school and for chores.

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I do the same thing but I just use the one on the kitchen stove. It's free, I already own it. :001_smile:


That would be nice if I could make it work with two kids. However, the kids will be working on different assignments with different time limits. I would like to combine the use of timers with workboxes to encourage independence. I will set a specific time limit for some of the activities in their workboxes. They will be responsible for setting their own timer before starting. I think they are more than capable of doing that since they are in 5th & 6th grade. I hope the threat of dreaded homework will keep them working diligently throughout the day. If not, that's ok too. They will only be wasting their own time. I have decided to declare my independence from long school days due to teaching a couple of dawdlers. lol

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