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pregnancy tests... revisited

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So, if you take a pregnancy test and it shows a dash and not a cross... and you think "good!"... you toss it aside and later you come back and it IS a cross... what's up with that?? (not me... someone I know... for reals)

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So, if you take a pregnancy test and it shows a dash and not a cross... and you think "good!"... you toss it aside and later you come back and it IS a cross... what's up with that?? (not me... someone I know... for reals)


I'd take another test. The results are supposed to be invalid after a certain amount of time. I had one that was negative, changed to positive, and a second test taken the next day in the am was positive.

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I'd say get another test. I know the instructions say that it's not a true positive or whatever BUT with my most recent bundle of joy, the pregnancy test was negative. Absolutely, positively negative. We sat it aside for the night and it was positive the next day. My "negative turned positive" is going to be three weeks old tomorrow. Yea, I'd say try another brand.

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It could be negative and just had an "evaporation line" which occurs after a certain amount of time or it could indeed be positive the hcg level was just so low that it was barely detectable and took a while to show.


I've had both happen. I'd try again tomorrow first thing in the am. If it's positive it should show up in time.


Hope you get the desired result!

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The test instructions usually say something along the lines of do NOT read the result after ten minutes, because it is no longer valid. You are ONLY supposed to read it at two minutes. But refer to the particular brand's instructions -- those numbers are for the last one I used and probably do not apply across the board.


They also advise waiting three days between tests, to give enough time for HCG levels to significantly change. Though waiting is tough.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
My "negative turned positive" is going to be three weeks old tomorrow.


Mine is 6. I was SOOOO sad that it had been negative and was cautiously optimistic when it turned positive after being thrown in the bathroom trash can. False negatives (more like early negatives, I think) are very common. Turning positive after a while could be a glitch in the test (as the instructions say it shouldn't be read after a certain period of time) but it definitely doesn't mean 100% not pregnant.

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