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This message brought to you by my strong-willed 4yo daughter.


The following emoticons apply almost everyday with this child.















Those would be my emotions, not hers. She is steady stubborn. Unmovable, even when she needs to be moved in a more appropriate direction. Every day is a battle. I'm earning my name with this child.


That is all.



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Absolutely no useful advice but your post made me smile.



"God will richly reward you for raising his children!"


An older woman at our church told me this once when I battled with my ds, then barely a toddler. Perhaps it will help to hang on to this piece of wisdom.


If not, get a bottle of Baileys and a gallon of your favorite ice cream. Combine both at a ratio suitable to your state of mind and ENJOY!

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When my daughter was three, I would catch myself fantasizing about military boarding preschools...............


She turns 9 next week and it really did get better. She's still very strong-willed (the pig-headed gene is dominant in my family) and we get other kinds of drama, but it did get better. I have to say, though, that half day social/discovery-oriented preschool twice a week at 2.5, 3x a week at three and 4x a week at 4 was a total lifesaver for both of us.

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Thanks everyone. I struggle so much with this child. She isn't easy.


Karen- I have considered preschool. We may still. I worry it won't deal with her I-me-and-me-ness. She is aaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllll about herself. And she is child number 5. It just doesn't work well. I don't know.


I appreciate the encouragement.



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Gotta be something about the baby of the family, I swear! Diva was the baby for 7 years, and she had the same 'tude. Now Princess has it. Uber stubborn, total 'me-ness' as you put it. And, there's something about the age of 4 too. Tazzie was normally wonderful, then turned 3 and 4...oy!

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