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Shurley vs. Rod and Staff English - opinions please!

sandra in va

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We've used Rod and Staff for the last three years and really like it, however, this year I'll be teaching 4 levels (2nd, 4th, 6th, and 7th) and I'm a little burned out by the whole program. (FYI - We've tried FLL for 1st/2nd grade in the past (then transition into R/S 3), but FLL was hard for me to schedule in - some days taking very little time, others taking a lot. So, I was just going to do R/S 2, mostly orally, this year.)


So, I'm considering putting my two youngers or even just the 2nd grader into Shurley English. I've heard that it can be quick, the kids learn a lot with the jingles, and kids seem to enjoy it.


Would you please share your opinions about Shurley and how it would work to alternate Shurley with Rod and Staff? I'm pretty sure that we would continue to use R/S for 5th on up, but I'm thinking that Shurley looks gentler and easier to implement through 4th grade.


By the way, since we use a different writing program, I am only planning on using the grammar portions of Shurley (as we do with R/S).


Thanks for any help on this. I keep going around and around with this decision - I hate changing something that's working, but I just don't know if I have the time or stamina to do 4 different levels of R/S this year, esp. with a new baby coming. I would love to hear about how much time the grammar portion of Shurley really takes - esp. when doing two kids at two different levels.


Thank you!

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I like my Shurley, but I'm with Cadam. It would be better to make your R&S more independent than to go through the learning curve with Shurley. Besides, my idea of fast and easy (with only one kid I'm teaching), might not be the same as yours (X4). I plan 10-15 minutes a day, and I do diagram one of the sentences with her on a whiteboard. She's moving toward doing it more independently, but I still go over it with her. In other words, I can't see how it's any faster than what you're already doing, and it's certainly not faster than Cadam's method. And since the higher levels of Shurley are where it shines, and since there'd be differences in coverage (what is covered what year), and since you're set you want to do R&S from 5 up, I really don't see the point. I'd just stick with R&S and make it more practical for your situation. And personally, I'd probably buddy up those kids and get the olders to check the youngers' work. ;)

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Hi. If you are looking for a time saver, Shurley is not. I know there are a lot of people who modify it and are able to do it in a shorter period of time. But, for me, it was not that easy to modify and I actually switched away from it this year because it was so lengthy to teach! I was teaching 3 levels of it and it was taking waaaay too long. With level one, it only took 15-20 minutes. Levels 3 & 4 took about 40-45 minutes. I hope that helps a little.


Btw, I have never used it, but I have heard that Growing With Grammar is very similar to R&S. I don't know how it all lines up as far as what they teach when, though. Just thought if you were looking for a program you would like to alternate with R&S, that might be something to look into. Just a thought.

Edited by Mommy7
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IF you go with Shurley (and I'm not sure it's worth it, as it does look like it's a learning curve), I wouldn't use four levels. I'd use two....probably level 3 for the youngers and 6 for the olders.


It does seem like it's a good program, especially for younger kids. You could get level 3 and look at it, and have the older kids be more independent with their grammar.


Also, I think kids can safely wait till third grade to do grammar. It's not a priority for me in those primary years.

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Thanks so much for your help, everyone! You basically confirmed what I was thinking and what my husband was saying, but I guess I was looking for a perfect easy fix. I should know by now there is no such thing!!


I appreciate the options you brought up - delaying grammar, GWG, and doing R/S more independently. Thanks for taking the time to give me some extra help in this area!

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